tags and categories -- my collection of tips of life, tech, thought , everything ...
categories 可以做“大类”归类,基本概括了所有方面:
tags 可以做”大类“内细分的“小类”归类,
shell 1rm 1david copperfield 1jekyll 5photo 23IM 1好歌 2terminal 1video 2经济 1
菜谱 27vim 9markdown 1曼昆经济学 3小吃 1tcpreplay 1sexual violence 1stock
1learning notes 2english 15xixi 3bible 7synergy 1歌词 1shaape 1bank 1TCP
1balance 2资治通鉴 9tex 1mind 1asciiart 2life 1politics 1entertainment 1usb 1读
书 1ranger 1git 3chinese herbs 1转载 6asciidoc 3