Table 1. Revision History



initial draft




add examples of:using your own script/apps, search multiple files,revision history,etc




some minor bug fix, wording, etc


This is a quick demonstration about the main functionality of VIM editor from a JTAC standpoint. This document provide a lot of text “screenshot” to demonstrate what the editor looks like when used in different scenarios. This document does not provide much (or ‘enough’) details about the basic usage (e.g. how to go to command line mode) - the author assume that the audiences already know the basic part of it. For the real beginners, the vimtutor command line tool that comes with VIM is a great learning tool to start with.


(some) highlights of VIM editor

[vim is a great tool. Tools are always good to have - great tools are seemingly productivity booster. However, I do see real experts who rely only on notepad and a dos telnet windows to get their work well done, while others had poor performance on top of super cool tools — It seems to me that tools “MAY” help, but to what extent that really depends :)]

  • feature rich

    • it’s very rare that one job can be done only in other text editors but not in VIM. On the other hand, VIM has a lot of UNIQUE features that all other editors may NOT have
      [although this is almost true, it is only based on experience of the authors. In theory, although the chances are slim, it is still possible that there exists a 3rd editor ("that 2nd editor" should be vi’s good company: emacs) that brings a new feature currently not yet supported by the two]

  • portability

    • available in all major platforms

    • *nix, MAC, Win , BSD, ipad/iphone/android, etc
      [again per my own experiences, I’ll rate linux/unix-like version the top, then macOS version. Windows version are as good as in other OS versions feature-wise, but not as "nature" as unix/mac version (just think about its strange C:\ file system notation…) personally I prefer to stick to vim-over- cygwin whenever I have to work on a windows vim]

  • "modal" editing, keyboard oriented
    [believe it or not, keyboard IS more efficient , but that efficiency only comes after you (sometimes intentionally) stick to it to train your "muscle memory" and finally get used to it - meaning that you are actually doing the editing work (copy/paste/delete/indentation/etc) while your brain don’t even know how those are done. It may sound funny but it’s really the fact that ,sometime, when being asked "what did you type to …?", you have to really think of it to figure out what you just typed in :D . Anyway mouse might still be faster/easier for most people who don’t want to spend(or waste) time on keyboard]

    • insert/normal/visual/replace/commandline/… mode

    • EVERYTHING can be done efficiently with keyboard

  • highly program(script)-able, customizable, flexible, extensible

    • easily compose new operator/operations per your own demand

    • vimL: programming language:
      [vim Language, built-in ability to combine vim command together to make a script. personally I think vimL is the essential/unique power of vim comparing with other editors]

Here is a good article introducing VIM for its "20 years anniversary" :


1. vim as an text editor

1.1. editor(e.g: notepad, ULTRAEDIT)

modal editor
  • Vim has 6 basic modes and 6 additional modes.

  • 4 of them are most commonly used

    • insert

      like windows notepad, whatever you typed in will be inserted as file content

      appended in this document are some of the frequently used
      [this really depends on your personal favorite/habit - since there are always multiple ways to do the same thing in vim, different person might have quite different “musal memories”]
      insert-mode commands

    • normal mode

      in normal mode, keystrokes become "commands" instead of the file content. The result will be navigation and manipulation of text.

      appended in this document are some of the frequently used normal-mode commands

    • visual mode

      visually select text in characters-wise, line-wise, or block-wise For navigation and manipulation of text selections, this mode allows you to perform most normal commands, and a few extra commands, on selected text.

      some of the frequently used visual-mode commands

    • command-line mode

      in this mode the cursor will jump into the bottom of the editor, and type in vim command

  • vim help

    :help vim-modes-info
    :help Normal-mode
    :help visual-mode
    :help Insert-mode
    :help Command-line-mode
  • vimtutor - a (very intuitive) program to learn vim program:

    • vimtutor: a shell command to teach you how to use vim

      =    W e l c o m e   t o   t h e   V I M   T u t o r    -    Version 1.7      =
           Vim is a very powerful editor that has many commands, too many to
           explain in a tutor such as this.  This tutor is designed to describe
           enough of the commands that you will be able to easily use Vim as
           an all-purpose editor.
           The approximate time required to complete the tutor is 25-30 minutes,
           depending upon how much time is spent with experimentation.
           The commands in the lessons will modify the text.  Make a copy of this
           file to practise on (if you started "vimtutor" this is already a copy).
           It is important to remember that this tutor is set up to teach by
           use.  That means that you need to execute the commands to learn them
           properly.  If you only read the text, you will forget the commands!
           Now, make sure that your Shift-Lock key is NOT depressed and press
           the   j   key enough times to move the cursor so that Lesson 1.1
           completely fills the screen.
                              Lesson 1.1:  MOVING THE CURSOR
         ** To move the cursor, press the h,j,k,l keys as indicated. **
                   k              Hint:  The h key is at the left and moves left.
             < h       l >               The l key is at the right and moves right.
                   j                     The j key looks like a down arrow.
        1. Move the cursor around the screen until you are comfortable.
        2. Hold down the down key (j) until it repeats.
           Now you know how to move to the next lesson.
        3. Using the down key, move to Lesson 1.2.
      NOTE: If you are ever unsure about something you typed, press <ESC> to place
            you in Normal mode.  Then retype the command you wanted.
      NOTE: The cursor keys should also work.  But using hjkl you will be able to
            move around much faster, once you get used to it.  Really!
      "/tmp/tutorunYxYO" 970 lines, 33256 characters
basic text editing operations(under normal mode)
  • moving around(motions)

    • h/l/j/k/ctrl-f/ctrl-b/…

  • insert/delete/change/replace/etc

    • i/I/x/X/d../c../C/r/R

  • undo/redo

    • u/c-r

  • charactor/line/block-wise text selection

    • v/V/ctrl-v + motion keys

  • search (real-time, incremental)

    • keystroke: / ? # g# * g* n N

    • /<UP> /<DOWN> ?<UP> ?<DOWN>…

    • options: set hls is nows

  • search and replace - substitution

  • more resources

    :help usr_02

1.2. search with more weapons

more weapons
  • regex(regular expression or "pattern"):

    • search for portion of data that we care most

  • range:

    • A range permits a command to be applied to a group of lines

    • :[RANGE]COMMANDS, while [RANGE] can be any of the following (and more)

    • many way to define a range:

      • visual select
        [this is done by press v,V or ctrl-v from normal mode, then move the cursor by motion keys(e.g, h,l,j,k). Pressing ‘:’ after that will bring (nicely) your cursor into the bottom command line area with the visual selection range marks :'<,'> that you can start your command with.]

        delete(COMMANDS) visual selected texts([RANGE])
      • mark
        [this is done by pressing mN, where N is a letter a to z, to generate a mark, say mark ‘a’, to mark a position for later use]

        search for keyword ‘abc’(COMMANDS) from mark ‘a’ to mark ‘b’ ([RANGE])
      • line numbers

        indent from line 1 to line 20
      • search back and forth

        search for “abc”, but only from last occurrence of ‘`#show '’ to the next occurrence of it
        :?#show ?,/#show /g/abc/
  • global: search and perform other useful actions:

    • default action on search is "jump to the matches" (to have a look)

    • there can be other actions triggered on (a) match(es)
      [this is extremely powerful — ANY vim command can act on the matched texts, see :help global]

      • replace(substitution),

      • print,

      • delete,

      • copy(‘yank’ in vi/vim term),

      • sort

      • etc

    • vim :global command syntax

      search for “matches”
      search for “non-matches”
    • how it works

      The global commands work by first scanning through the [range] lines and
      marking each line where a match occurs (for a multi-line pattern, only the
      start of the match matters).
      In a second scan the [cmd] is executed for each marked line with its line
      number prepended.  For ":v" and ":g!" the command is executed for each not
      marked line.  If a line is deleted its mark disappears.
      — :help global

1.3. search example: regex (JTAC may like)

Example 1. vim regex: a “complex one”
[this is useful for the device log syntax folding that will be demonstrated in later sections, which requires using regex to recognize each command line and its output]
what will this match?
/^\(\S\S\+[^ <(]\{0,37}\S[#>%$]\s*\S\+\|slot \d\d\=->\S\+\|->.\+\|\*-\*-\*-\*-\*-\)/
this long one-liner regex can be thought of as if

[just for the demonstration purpose - it doesn’t really work in practice]
broken into the following lines:

    ^\(                                         1
        \S\S\+[^ <(]\{0,37}\S[#>%$]\s*\S\+
        \|                                      2
        slot \d\d\=->\S\+
1 starting with
2 logical OR
So it is trying its hard to match to a "prompting line" that :
  • must contain at least one of following as a PS var
    [Prompt String Variable]

    '#'          : cisco,juniper...priviledge mode, unix root
    '>'          : cisco,juniper...exec mode,some unix shell
    '%' or '$'   : some unix shell prompt
    '->'         : junos-e vxworks shell
    '*-*-*-*-*-' : junos-e show-tech
  • and ,

    • for PS #,> or %:

      • at least 2 charactors before #,e.g.: this will be matched: R1blabla while this won’t(normally hostname has two or more charactors): Rblabla

      • leading spaces are ok in CMD : R1# blabla

      • no space preceding # : R1 #blabla (will not match)

      • must has at least 2 non-blank chars in beginning of the line, and

      • must NOT contain any of following chars before the PS var,

          : blank
        < : a literal '<' charactor
        ( : a literal '(' charactor
        ] : a literal ']' charactor
      • must has no more than 40 chars in total before a # or > or % char, and

      • must has at least 1 non-blank (space, tab) charactor as a command

    • or , for PS ‘->’ (junoe "shell" mode): different flavors are supported

      • this can be the ERX LM line card shell mode

        slot NN->CMD

        where N can be 1 or 2 digits (e.g. LM line card number),

      • this can be ERX LM serial shell mode


        where CMD can be 1 (like an t, means task) or more CHs ,

      • this can be the ERX SRP shell mode ,w/ a preceding space,

        -> CMD
    • or , for ‘*-*-*-*-*-’

      • no any other contition modifier (there must be no other charactors),

      • this is simply ERX tech-support command delimitor

  • overall, basically it matches a command line in logs generated by:

    • JUNOS based products (M/T/MX)

    • JUNOSe(ERX/E320)

    • CISCO


    • any other devices that use # , > or % as a prompt (can be changed per demand)

1.4. search example: global


sometime one single CLI print long long outputs(600+ lines) you need a way to collect only some lines based on a desired criterials. for example in the following long (600+ lines) outputs of a ‘show’ command:

     1  NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show ip int lag OLT01.2570039
     2  lag OLT01.2570039 line protocol VlanSub is up, ip is up


    42    IP policy input jnpr-VIDEO:ONLY
    43      classifier-group dhcp entry 1
    44        0 packets, 0 bytes
    45        rate-limit-profile dhcplimit
    46          committed rate: 1280 bps, committed burst: 8192 bytes
    47          excess burst: 0 bytes
    48          committed: 0 packets, 0 bytes, action: transmit
    49          conformed: 0 packets, 0 bytes, action: drop
    50          exceeded:  0 packets, 0 bytes, action: drop

    51      classifier-group jnpr-VIDEO-TRAFFIC entry 1


    62      classifier-group jnpr-VIDEO-TRAFFIC entry 2


   535      classifier-group jnpr-VIDEO-TRAFFIC entry 45


   644      Dropped exceeded packets 0, bytes 0
   647 NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#

In a lot of cases, most ACL entries are with only zero packet count , and the troubleshooting need to be focused on those entries with non zero values. So, the issue here becomes: how to only display those ACL entries that with NON ZERO counters in the line that follows the ACL entry index, while ignoring those entries that with only zero as counters?

Example 2. use VIM ‘:global’ on the visually selected texts
print all ACL entries that match our criteria(s)
  • regex

    :'<,'>g/classifier-group.*\n\s*[1-9]\d* packets/
    result:found 3 ACL entries (out of 50+) with non-zero counters in the very next line
    :'<,'>g/classifier-group.*\n\s*[1-9]\d* packets/
     44     classifier-group dhcp entry 1
    525     classifier-group VIDEO-TRAFFIC entry 44
    536     classifier-group DNS-TRAFFIC entry 1
also print the line containing non-zero counters following the matches
  • regex

    :'<,'>g/classifier-group.*\n\s*[1-9]\d* packets/.,+1p
    result:ACL entries along with following non-zero value counters
    :'<,'>g/classifier-group.*\n\s*[1-9]\d* packets/.,+1p
     44     classifier-group dhcp entry 1
     45       1 packets, 378 bytes
    525     classifier-group VIDEO-TRAFFIC entry 44
    526       84 packets, 12665 bytes
    536     classifier-group DNS-TRAFFIC entry 1
    537       2 packets, 226 bytes
  • a short version

    "empty" pattern will call the _previous applied pattern: really handy!

1.5. search example: global with range (good for large files)

Example 3. to search in a (flexible) range of texts instead of the whole file
only search from current command capture down (to the EOF)
:?#show ?,$g/classifier-group.*\n\s*[0-9]\d* packets/.,+1p
the above one-liner can be (imaginarily only) broken
into the following lines:
:                                                               1
 ?#show ?                                                       2
         ,                                                      3
          $                                                     4
           g/classifier-group.*\n\s*[0-9]\d* packets/           5
                                                     .          6
                                                      ,         7
                                                       +1       8
                                                         p      9
1 go to command mode
2 starting from a position as the start of the searching range, which is the first match of pattern `#show ` when search backward from current cursor place,
3 to
4 the next position as the end of the searching range, which is the end of the whole file
5 and in this range perform the global (search) command.
6 Now whenever getting a match, do some range-based job (see note 9) starting right from the current (.) matching line
7 till
8 the next line following the matched pattern
9 and the job is to print it (here to display, not hard-print to printer)
only search output of current command(where my cursor is current in)
:?#show ?,/#show /g/classifier-group.*\n\s*[0-9]\d* packets/.,+1p

1.6. search example: spanning files


there are many ways to search across files/folders. Here are 2 way that is commonly used:

  • use vim’s built-in grep: vimgrep

    search "show resources" or "fail", case insensitive, in all log files under folder ./logs, recursively; jump to it once got the first finding
    [this will invoke the quickfix feature that will be shown below]

    :vimgrep /show resources\c\|fail\c/j ./logs/**/*.log
  • use external grep tool

    use external grep tool
    [just to demonstrate the usage here, not necessarily recommended in practice]
    grep! -R "show resources|errors" ./logs/**
    or , another way to call external grep
    :!grep -R "errors" ./logs/**
  • “quickfix” window

    Vim has a special mode to speedup the edit-compile-edit cycle.  This is
    inspired by the quickfix option of the Manx’s Aztec C compiler on the Amiga.
    The idea is to save the error messages from the compiler in a file and use Vim
    to jump to the errors one by one.  You can examine each problem and fix it,
    without having to remember all the error messages.
    — :help quickfix

    but in practice, regardless of code developing, “quickfix” window can also be used to quickly locate the target matching result.

    invoking the quickfix window after the vimgrep search
    :cw or :copen
    for more info:
    :help quickfix
Example 4. use vim built-in grep tool to search across files/folders
“quickfix” window and the search result
+ 55305 +--645 lines: NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show ip int lag OLT01.2570039
+ 55950 +--646 lines: NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show ip int lag OLT01.2570039
+ 56596 +--645 lines: NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show ip int lag OLT01.2570039
+ 57241 +--645 lines: NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show ip int lag OLT01.2570039
+ 57886 +--646 lines: NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show ip int lag OLT01.2570039
+ 58532 +--648 lines: NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show ip int lag OLT01.2570039
  59180 NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show resou
- 59181 NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show resource  4
| 59182 Resource Threshold Trap: enabled
| 59183                                            max      current    rising      falling    hold-down
| 59184            type               location   capacity    value    threshold   threshold     time
| 59185 ---------------------------   --------   --------   -------   ---------   ---------   ---------
| 59186 ip interface                  system        96001     13439       86401         960         300
| 59187 ip interface                  slot 1        16383         1       14745         164         300
| 59188 ip interface                  slot 2        16383         0       14745         164         300
| 59189 ip interface                  slot 3        16383         0       14745         164         300
./vzlogs/2012-0807-0813.log [utf-8] [jel] [59181/76232,22] [77%]   [-----------------------------------0-
    3 ./vzlogs/2012-0611-0858.log|20240 col 23| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-113:vol#show resource
    4 ./vzlogs/2012-0711-0022.log|343 col 18| ^MCMDNNJ-VFTTP-27#show resource
    5 ./vzlogs/2012-0807-0813-info.log|442 col 22| NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show
    6 ./vzlogs/2012-0807-0813.log|59181 col 22| NWRKNJ-VFTTP-138:vol#show resource 2
    7 ./vzlogs/2012-0810-0516.log|1866 col 18| ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-88#show resource
    8 ./vzlogs/2012-0810-0886.log|205 col 18| ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-89#show resource
    9 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0055.log|926 col 18| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-87#show resources
   10 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0055.log|33906 col 18| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-87#show resource
   11 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0056.log|333 col 19| ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-130#show resource
   12 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0056.log|5208 col 23| ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-130:vol#show resource
   13 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0058.log|221 col 19| ^MNWRKNJ-VFTTP-153#show resource
   14 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0079.log|247 col 18| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-79#show resource
   15 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0081.log|1272 col 18| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-91#show resource
   16 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0083.log|237 col 18| ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-88#show resource
   17 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0088.log|2193 col 18| ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-99#show resource^M
   18 ./vzlogs/2012-0811-0104.log|393 col 19| ^MNYCMNY-VFTTP-120#show resource
   19 ./vzlogs/2012-0812-0048.log|1550 col 18| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-91#show resource^M
   20 ./vzlogs/2012-0812-0048.log|16088 col 18| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-91#show resource^M
   21 ./vzlogs/2012-0812-0059.log|253 col 19| ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-130#show resource
   22 ./vzlogs/2012-0812-0071.log|1030 col 18| ^MPHLAPA-VFTTP-75#show resource
   23 ./vzlogs/2012-0812-0082.log|250 col 19| ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-131#show resource
   24 ./vzlogs/2012-0812-0084.log|934 col 18| ^MNWRKNJ-VFTTP-53#show resource
   25 ./vzlogs/2012-0812-0094.log|284 col 19| ^MNYCMNY-VFTTP-136#show resource
1 the quick fix window, invoked by :cw, listing all matched lines from all files containing the pattern
2 put the cursor in a line in the quickfix window, press <enter>, the corresponding file containing current found match will be opened in another window
3 the new opened window , with the matched line(s) displayed
4 the matched line in the opened file

1.7. window split

Example 5. herizon split(good for long lines)
:split or :sp
[vim’s (tab)auto-completion system is as fantastic as its other features, you can use pretty much the similiar way to complete a command as if when you are typing a command in a modern linux bash , or a cisco router]
    29 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#show version
    30 Juniper Edge Routing Switch E320
    31 Copyright (c) 1999-2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    32 System Release: e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel
    33         Version: 12.1.1 patch-0.3 [BuildId 14015]   (February 20, 2012  14:18)
    34 Active Hotfixes:
    35         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2331.hfx
    36         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2236.hfx
    37         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2235.hfx
    38         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2228.hfx
    39         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2421.hfx
    40         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2383.hfx
vzlogs/2012-0829-0443.log [utf-8] [jel] [29/6208,20] [0%]      [0--------------------------------]
    67 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#show hardware
    68                          Chassis
    69                          -------
    70             serial      assembly    assembly   Major/Minor
    71  type       number       number       rev.         rev
    72 -------   ----------   ----------   --------   -----------
    73 Chassis   4309237522   4580002400     A10         0.10
    75                                 Modules
    76                                 -------
    77                    serial      assembly    assembly   ram    Major/Minor
    78 slot    type       number       number       rev.     (MB)       rev
vzlogs/2012-0829-0443.log [utf-8] [jel] [67/6208,20] [1%]      [0--------------------------------
Example 6. a vertical split (good for not long lines over a wide screen)
:vsplit or :vsp
[the example text here was cut to make it 80 charactor width for better display purpose in this document]
    29 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#show version       67 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#show hardwar
    30 Juniper Edge Routing Switch E320      68                          Chassi
    31 Copyright (c) 1999-2012 Juniper       69                          ------
       Networks, Inc.  All rights reserved.  70             serial      assembl
    32 System Release: e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel   71  type       number       number
    33         Version: 12.1.1 patch-0.3     72 -------   ----------   --------
       [BuildId 14015]   (February 20, 2012  73 Chassis   4309237522   45800024
       14:18)                                74
    34 Active Hotfixes:                      75
    35         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2331.hfx    76
    36         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2236.hfx    77                    serial
    37         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2235.hfx    78 slot    type       number
    38         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2228.hfx    79 ----   -------   ----------   -
    39         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2421.hfx    80 0      LM-10     4608380483   4
    40         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2383.hfx    81 1      LM-4      4709130293   4
    41 System running for: 859 days, 23 hours82 2        ---        ---
       33 minutes, 33 seconds                83 3      LM-10     4307406340   4
    42         (since THU APR 22 2010 14:46:084 4        ---        ---
       UTC)                                  85 5      LM-10     4710230418   4
    43                                       86 6      SRP-320   4709152986   4
    44 slot  state    type    admin  spare   87 6      SFM-320   4709152986   4
       running release     slot uptime       88 7      SRP-320   4709152996   4
    45 ---- -------- ------- ------- ----- --89 7      SFM-320   4709152996   4
       --------------- ---------------       90 8      SFM-320   4709141732   4
  @                                          91 9      SFM-320   4709141744   4
  vzlogs/2012-0829-0443.log [utf-8] [jel] [29/62> vzlogs/2012-0829-0443.log [u

1.8. multi-page display (layout option in MSword)

Example 7. compact display - put double (or more if you have real wider screen) times the lines within one screen
this was invoked by :MPage 2 command
[this requires MPage plugin]
     6 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#term len 0        33         Version: 12.1.1 patch-0.3
     7 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#term width 200    34 Active Hotfixes:
     8 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#show clock        35         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2331.hfx
     9 WED AUG 29 2012 14:19:13 UTC         36         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2236.hfx
    10 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  37         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2235.hfx
    11 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  38         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2228.hfx
    12 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  39         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2421.hfx
    13 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#support           40         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2383.hfx
    14 ^MPassword: *****                    41 System running for: 859 days, 23 h
    15 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117(support)#shell    42         (since THU APR 22 2010 14:
    16                                      43
    17 ->                                   44 slot  state    type    admin  spar
    18 ->                                   45 ---- -------- ------- ------- ----
    19 ->                                   46 0     online  LM-10   enabled spar
    20 -> exit                              47 1     online  LM-4    enabled  ---
    21 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117(support)#exit     48 2      ---      ---     ---    ---
    22 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  49 3    inactive LM-10   enabled  ---
    23 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  50 4      ---      ---     ---    ---
    24 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  51 5     online  LM-10   enabled  ---
    25 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  52 6     online  SRP-320 enabled  ---
    26 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  53 6     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---
    27 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  54 7    standby  SRP-320 enabled  ---
    28 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#                  55 7     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---
    29 ^MBSTNMA-VFTTP-117#show version      56 8     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---
    30 Juniper Edge Routing Switch E320     57 9     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---
    31 Copyright (c) 1999-2012 Juniper Ne   58 10    online  SFM-320 enabled  ---
    32 System Release:   59 11    online  LM-10   enabled spar
    vzlogs/2012-0829-0443.log [utf-8] [jel] [6/6208,1] [0%] > vzlogs/2012-0829-04

1.9. MUCH MORE great features as an editor

There are MUCH MORE features that VIM is doing better than other editors. It’s not possible to demonstrate all well-known features in one document
[not even in one (say, 400 pages) book]
. I’ll demonstrate some of them selectively in the later sections.

  • external tool integration

  • folding

  • advanced undo system: (time machine)

    • undo over branch,

    • permanent undo over close

  • diff & patch

  • multi-page(MPage)

  • text hyper links(utl)

  • math

  • column/block editing(c-v)

  • alignment(Align)

  • write/append selected texts into other files

  • multiple clipboard (register)…

  • syntax highlighting (customizable)

    • colorscheme can be easily changed to your favorite

    • default and koehler is my favorite

  • user defined command (command)

  • event triggered action (autocmd)

  • platform independent Chinese input system (vimim)

  • encryption
    you can encrypt your file , open it with a password, work on it, then save it still in the encrypted from.

2. external tools integration (JTAC may like)

JTAC vs logs
  • JTAC help customer to troubleshooting the outage

  • to troubleshoot JTAC need log(files)

  • good tools can help

review of some of the classic log process tools
  • notepad is too slight handling large files …
    [notepad is still a good note pad, even though MS-word/office are dominating today]

  • less is not that less, it is actually a very feature-rich,faster and agile tool
    [one of the best (my favorite) text ‘viewer’/or ‘pager’]

  • more is not that more - it’s actually no much use

  • most is not yet recognized by the most yet

  • grep good/bad info out of raw log

  • sort to make log entries in (wanted) order

  • uniq to remove redundant entries

  • cut good info out of raw entries

  • ed/sed/awk is useful for pipelines/oneliner lovers or scripting

  • diff old&new files and then patch the old into new one

issues about the old tools..
  • how to only search a specific portion of a file (range)?

    a log file may contain over 200 command captures, 30k+ lines, so what if we only want to search in the output of "show system log" command?
    you can copy a portion of the file & save to a temporary file with a dummy name for your grep to run on, but this is not convenient and sometimes boring if you have to repeat over again and again.

  • you have to blindly type in the keyword you want to search

    use grep with pipe in terminal is handy,but blindly typing the long keyword/pattern from terminal without reading them in the screen when you are typing is sometime pain/error-prone.
    e.g you have to remember(or write down, copy & paste) this long stupid-looking command that you want to search in a log file, before you can type them in the terminal:print__11Ic1Detector

  • it will add more pain and inconvenience in the case that you are not quite sure about what keyword you should search with — preferablely if you can do some real-time quick search when you are reading through the log file , and very often you will have to refine the pattern and repeat the above whole process over.

vim way
  • integrates all(most) equivalent functions of these tools

  • provides a universal interface to for external utilities

  • use legendary *nix tool in a new/more nature way, from inside vim

  • all CLI based apps,supporting stdin/stdout steams, including you own APPs, can be re-used

    • that’s why "text stream"(pipes) is part of essential UNIX philosophy

  • you can do following in almost real time and a much intuitive way:

    • search with a pattern

    • get search result

    • start a new search based on the search result (‘search out of search result’)

    • undo the search (steps back to where we were)

    • redo a search (steps forward to the previous search result)

    • refine the new search pattern

    • repeat the whole process

  • syntax


2.1. external tool example: ‘grep’ from inside vim

2.1.1. quick review of grep

grep is a utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines matching a regular expression. Its name comes from the old ed command g/re/p (global / regular expression / print) grep is versatile tool with full feature regex support, here we list several of the simplest and most common usage cases just in order to demonstrate how to use external tools from within vim.

usage: traditional way vs. vim way

following are some quick examples, each paired with an equivalent vim command that calls external grep command directly but from within VIM editor

  • get useful info

    cat FILE | grep -i "what-i-want"
    :RANGE!grep -i "what-i-want"
  • trash garbage info

    cat FILE | grep -v "what-i-don't-need"
    :RANGE!grep -v "what-i-don't-need"
  • logical ‘OR’

    cat FILE | grep -E "want-this|or-that"
    :RANGE!grep -E "want-this|or-that"
  • "search out of search results", recursively
    [This is one of the many places that vim can get work done better than traditional way - you can look at the text in the vim editor while thinking of what can be the next good pattern/keyword for the next grep , and see the grep result right away in the same editor. This is indeed much better than the traditional way that you each time have to check the grep result by redirecting it either to a temp file so you can open with another editor, or to a text pager/viewer (like ‘more’ or ‘less’), then quit the file or text pager, refine your grep and repeat the whole thing all over.]

    Example 8. find lines about bgp related info, generated 8/16/2012, and containing keyword "peer reset"
    “traditional” way
    cat FILE.log | grep "bgp" | grep "8/16/2012" | grep "peer reset"
    vim way
    :RANGE!grep "bgp" | grep "8/16/2012" | grep "peer reset"
benefit of vim method
  • repeat the refining process right on grep result,which you are visually seeing in the editor
     — this is a really powerful but still convenient method to approach a complex target

  • never need to leave/exit editor to use external tools from another terminal!

2.1.2. grep example: "increamental multi-steps search"(or, "search out of search result")

To make it simple, you can always just use the simplest grep, do it multiple times , each time with a new pattern, to gradually narrow down the target logs entries. Or, for "power" grep user, you compacting everything in one line (“one-liner”) is a faster way to get the end result in just one shot.

the ‘raw’ log
.RCMDVA-VFTTP-18#show log data sev deb
RCMDVA-VFTTP-18#show log data sev deb
 2      *** stored log messages ***
 3      *** log: all
 4      *** severity: DEBUG and higher
 5      *** no baseline
 7      NOTICE 08/07/2012 03:41:54 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to hold timer expired
 8      NOTICE 08/07/2012 03:42:16 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core enters established state
 9      NOTICE 08/07/2012 03:45:02 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to hold timer expired
216     NOTICE 08/07/2012 07:54:57 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core enters established state
217     NOTICE 08/07/2012 07:57:06 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to hold timer expired
218     NOTICE 08/07/2012 07:57:21 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core enters established state
219     DEBUG 08/07/2012 07:59:35 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet14/0/3.1680): Ethernet::setIfAdminStatusCommon() for VlanSub 0x2300b925 ifAdminStatus=Down, validateOnly = true, icrAdmin = 1, askIcr = true
220     DEBUG 08/07/2012 07:59:44 UTC ethernet: Ethernet::removeVlanSubInterface VlanSub 0x2300b925 over VlanMajor 0x2200004e
221     NOTICE 08/07/2012 08:00:04 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to hold timer expired
222     NOTICE 08/07/2012 08:00:28 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core enters established state
223     DEBUG 08/07/2012 08:01:38 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet14/1/7.1596): Ethernet::setIfAdminStatusCommon() for VlanSub 0x23002b5e ifAdminStatus=Down, validateOnly = true, icrAdmin = 1, askIcr = true
224     DEBUG 08/07/2012 08:01:43 UTC ethernet: Ethernet::removeVlanSubInterface VlanSub 0x23002b5e over VlanMajor 0x2200005d
225     NOTICE 08/07/2012 08:03:22 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to hold timer expired
226     DEBUG 08/07/2012 08:03:30 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet13/0/3.504): Ethernet::setIfAdminStatusCommon() for VlanSub 0x23000914 ifAdminStatus=Down, validateOnly = true, icrAdmin = 1, askIcr = true
227     DEBUG 08/07/2012 08:03:34 UTC ethernet: Ethernet::removeVlanSubInterface VlanSub 0x23000914 over VlanMajor 0x22000046
228     NOTICE 08/07/2012 08:03:48 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core enters established state
1735    DEBUG 08/20/2012 19:02:34 UTC ethernet: Ethernet::removeVlanSubInterface VlanSub 0x2300be27 over VlanMajor 0x22000055
1736    DEBUG 08/20/2012 19:02:37 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet12/0/2.1343): Ethernet::setIfAdminStatusCommon() for VlanSub 0x2300be28 ifAdminStatus=Down, validateOnly = true, icrAdmin = 1, askIcr = true
1737    DEBUG 08/20/2012 19:02:42 UTC ethernet: Ethernet::removeVlanSubInterface VlanSub 0x2300be28 over VlanMajor 0x22000045
1738    DEBUG 08/20/2012 19:16:31 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet13/0/2.3185): Ethernet::setIfAdminStatusCommon() for VlanSub 0x23004add ifAdminStatus=Down, validateOnly = true, icrAdmin = 1, askIcr = true
1739    DEBUG 08/20/2012 19:16:34 UTC ethernet: Ethernet::removeVlanSubInterface VlanSub 0x23004add over VlanMajor 0x22000048
1740    DEBUG 08/20/2012 19:30:37 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet14/1/5.98): Ethernet::setIfAdminStatusCommon() for VlanSub 0x2300be07 ifAdminStatus=Down, validateOnly = true, icrAdmin = 1, askIcr = true
1741    DEBUG 08/20/2012 19:30:41 UTC ethernet: Ethernet::removeVlanSubInterface VlanSub 0x2300be07 over VlanMajor 0x2200004a
our target lines need to :
  • have timestamps during Aug.7 abt. 5 to 6 UTC, AND

  • be related any of the following:

    • about bgp AND

    • reset by peer, OR ,

    • to have more clues about the cause, any of the following events in between are of our interest:

      • link down/up

      • warn(ings)

      • error

      • fail(ures)

you can narrow down the logs with following multiple steps
:'<,'>!grep "08\/07"
:'<,'>!grep "0[5-6]:"
:'<,'>!grep -iE "bgp|link|warn|error|fail"
:'<,'>!grep -iE "code 54|link|warn|error|fail|"
  • you will see the intermediate result of the filter after each step right away, press u to undo the grep and ctrl-r to redo the filter, just like the usual vim normal mode operation.

  • before the next grep action, you need to re-select the new range of the text from the result of previous grep operation, because it is now a completely new text blocks — every line has been “filtered” even if they looks the same.

final search result (still within your editor)
     1  RCMDVA-VFTTP-18#show log data sev deb
    85  NOTICE 08/07/2012 05:18:59 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to tcp connection error: TCP error code 54 (Connection reset by peer)
    97  NOTICE 08/07/2012 05:32:50 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to tcp connection error: TCP error code 54 (Connection reset by peer)
   100  NOTICE 08/07/2012 05:56:15 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet12/0/2): linkDown Ethernet 0x6000016
   135  NOTICE 08/07/2012 06:26:25 UTC bgpNeighborChanges (vol): internal peer in core leaves established state due to tcp connection error: TCP error code 54 (Connection reset by peer)
   967  NOTICE 08/07/2012 06:56:42 UTC ethernet (GigabitEthernet12/0/2): linkUp Ethernet 0x6000016
  1728  WARNING 08/07/2012 18:33:10 UTC ha: High Availability is disabled.  View the srp redundancy status to determine the cause.

As mentioned, you can also achieve the same effect by composing a complex grep regex in one line

one liner
:'<,'>!grep -iE "08\/07.* 0[5-6]:(.*bgp.*code 54|link|warn|error|fail)"
bgp issues@Aug.7 abt. 5 to 6 UTC, reset by peer,might be triggered by link down or other system errors…
:'<,'>!grep -iE "08\/07.* 0[5-6]:(.*bgp.*code 54|link|warn|error|fail)"

2.1.3. more grep example


some old devices need help from grep,since there is no other fancy options a/v from the original dir command
[even MS-dos support some of the sort options to some extent for their version of dir]

no much options available here:
CLR2.Austin-TX#dir ?
  FILE PATH  The name of the local file or directory to list
  short      Provide brief listing
original E-serial dir output
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:/incoming <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:/outgoing <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:clr2-austin-ping.cnf                  1712159     1712159   08/07/2012 08:52:10
disk0:20110419.cnf                          1240326     1240326   08/22/2012 10:46:02
disk0:xoBGP736.cnf                           215140      215140   08/22/2012 12:24:46
disk0:20100727.cnf                          3331572     3331572   07/27/2012 07:49:14
disk0:moe1440-736-020111.cnf                1295880     1295880   02/01/2011 18:37:56
disk0:GE-test.cnf                           1295880     1295880   02/01/2011 18:22:56
disk0:10-3-1xo.cnf                          1212543     1212543   03/21/2011 04:43:40
disk0:Santana.cnf                           3328569     3328569   06/15/2012 03:58:58
disk0:clr2-austin.cnf                       1711986     1711986   08/02/2012 08:14:12
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:jan29th08.scr                         1103161     1103161   01/29/2008 16:45:52
disk0:March7MOE.scr                          348591      348591   03/07/2008 12:04:38
disk0:March11MoeConfig.scr                   349102      349102   03/11/2008 09:57:34
disk0:March19MOE.scr                         349921      349921   03/19/2008 14:01:12
disk0:may15th.scr                             20637       20637   05/15/2008 11:07:50
disk0:June11th.scr                            22926       22926   06/11/2008 13:43:26
disk0:August19th.scr                          23192       23192   08/19/2008 13:50:42
disk0:latency-812.scr                         59733       59733   09/05/2008 10:36:08
disk0:latenRecreate812.scr                   163015      163015   09/05/2008 18:18:14
disk0:latency_finalResutls723.scr            161098      161098   09/07/2008 22:17:38
disk0:ATTStaticPPP823Final.scr              7012873     7012873   09/09/2008 16:48:12
disk0:VZ_latency0912_812p033.scr             187429      187429   09/12/2008 11:37:58
disk0:LI_work_812.scr                        187528      187528   09/25/2008 13:35:52
disk0:li_823.scr                             187555      187555   09/26/2008 09:48:34
disk0:snmp.scr                               794894      794894   12/15/2008 16:50:18
disk0:emc613.scr                               6000        6000   02/05/2009 11:56:10
disk0:emc613mod.scr                            6087        6087   02/05/2009 12:51:50
disk0:xo_bgp_recret.scr                       11072       11072   02/25/2010 19:21:54
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:xo613bgp.scr                            10274       10274   03/04/2010 12:26:34
disk0:backup-jan-31-2011.scr                  60257       60257   01/31/2011 16:52:36
disk0:lab-config.scr                         478140      478140   02/01/2011 12:58:54
disk0:lab-config-wrong.scr                   127785      127785   02/01/2011 00:01:10
disk0:lab-config-right.scr                   471302      471302   02/01/2011 13:07:46
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2011_23_45.dmp    24166111    24166111   08/22/2011 23:45:56
disk0:lab-config-b4upgrade.scr               471248      471248   02/01/2011 18:47:22
disk0:lab-config-afterupgrade.scr            470600      470600   02/01/2011 19:15:36
disk0:test.scr                               474491      474491   03/31/2011 05:13:26
disk0:7-3-6XO.scr                            473396      473396   03/21/2011 04:32:46
disk0:7-3-6XO_modified.scr                   473046      473046   03/21/2011 04:46:32
disk0:7-3-6-XO_April29.scr                   474538      474538   04/29/2011 09:41:06
disk0:srp_stats.tsa                        16346209    16346209   09/03/2012 06:44:20
ram:bulkstats1.sts                            66004       66004   09/03/2012 06:44:20
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
1st time grep:get all dmp files
:'<,'>!grep ".*.dmp"
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2011_23_45.dmp    24166111    24166111   08/22/2011 23:45:56
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
2nd time grep

get all ‘GE’ ( AND ) ‘dmp’ files
[if you grep out of previous grep results, naturely the new operation is always logical “AND” to previous operation, just like you grep everything at one go :'<,\'>!grep "GE.*.dmp"]

:'<,'>!grep "GE"
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
all today’s file
:'<,'>!grep "08/22/2012"
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:20110419.cnf                          1240326     1240326   08/22/2012 10:46:02
disk0:xoBGP736.cnf                           215140      215140   08/22/2012 12:24:46
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
all today’s dmp file
:'<,'>!grep ".*.dmp.*08/22/2012"
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
all today’s file, or all file related to GE card
:'x,'y!grep -iE "08/22/2012|GE"
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:20110419.cnf                          1240326     1240326   08/22/2012 10:46:02
disk0:xoBGP736.cnf                           215140      215140   08/22/2012 12:24:46
disk0:GE-test.cnf                           1295880     1295880   02/01/2011 18:22:56
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
anything except cnf file
:'<,'>!grep -iEv ".*.cnf|.*.scr"
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:/incoming <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:/outgoing <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2011_23_45.dmp    24166111    24166111   08/22/2011 23:45:56
disk0:srp_stats.tsa                        16346209    16346209   09/03/2012 06:44:20
ram:bulkstats1.sts                            66004       66004   09/03/2012 06:44:20
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42

2.2. external tool example: ‘sort’ from inside vim

how to sort the files per size/time/type/…/etc?
Please wait...
                                                      unshared                          in
                 file                       size        size          date (UTC)        use
---------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   ---
disk0:/incoming <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:/outgoing <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:clr2-austin-ping.cnf                  1712159     1712159   08/07/2012 08:52:10
disk0:20110419.cnf                          1240326     1240326   04/19/2012 10:46:02
disk0:xoBGP736.cnf                           215140      215140   03/04/2010 12:24:46
disk0:20100727.cnf                          3331572     3331572   07/27/2012 07:49:14
disk0:moe1440-736-020111.cnf                1295880     1295880   02/01/2011 18:37:56
disk0:10-3-1xo.cnf                          1212543     1212543   03/21/2011 04:43:40
disk0:Santana.cnf                           3328569     3328569   06/15/2012 03:58:58
disk0:clr2-austin.cnf                       1711986     1711986   08/02/2012 08:14:12
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
sort by name:
disk0:10-3-1xo.cnf                          1212543     1212543   03/21/2011 04:43:40
disk0:20100727.cnf                          3331572     3331572   07/27/2012 07:49:14
disk0:20110419.cnf                          1240326     1240326   04/19/2012 10:46:02
disk0:clr2-austin.cnf                       1711986     1711986   08/02/2012 08:14:12
disk0:clr2-austin-ping.cnf                  1712159     1712159   08/07/2012 08:52:10
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
disk0:/incoming <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:moe1440-736-020111.cnf                1295880     1295880   02/01/2011 18:37:56
disk0:/outgoing <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:Santana.cnf                           3328569     3328569   06/15/2012 03:58:58
disk0:xoBGP736.cnf                           215140      215140   03/04/2010 12:24:46
sort by size:
:'<,'>!sort -k2nrb
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:20100727.cnf                          3331572     3331572   07/27/2012 07:49:14
disk0:Santana.cnf                           3328569     3328569   06/15/2012 03:58:58
disk0:clr2-austin-ping.cnf                  1712159     1712159   08/07/2012 08:52:10
disk0:clr2-austin.cnf                       1711986     1711986   08/02/2012 08:14:12
disk0:moe1440-736-020111.cnf                1295880     1295880   02/01/2011 18:37:56
disk0:20110419.cnf                          1240326     1240326   04/19/2012 10:46:02
disk0:10-3-1xo.cnf                          1212543     1212543   03/21/2011 04:43:40
disk0:xoBGP736.cnf                           215140      215140   03/04/2010 12:24:46
disk0:/incoming <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:/outgoing <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
sort by time
:'<,'>!sort -k4.7nrb -k4.1nbr -k4.4nbr -k5.1nbr -k5.4nbr -k5.7nbr
disk0:COC3_COC12_5_08_22_2012_22_43.dmp    24166561    24166561   08/22/2012 22:45:56
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_22_2012_06_42.dmp         31593741    31593741   08/22/2012 06:45:42
disk0:GE_FE_0_08_07_2012_10_02.dmp         28617646    28617646   08/07/2012 10:06:04
disk0:clr2-austin-ping.cnf                  1712159     1712159   08/07/2012 08:52:10
disk0:clr2-austin.cnf                       1711986     1711986   08/02/2012 08:14:12
disk0:20100727.cnf                          3331572     3331572   07/27/2012 07:49:14
disk0:Santana.cnf                           3328569     3328569   06/15/2012 03:58:58
disk0:20110419.cnf                          1240326     1240326   04/19/2012 10:46:02
disk0:10-3-1xo.cnf                          1212543     1212543   03/21/2011 04:43:40
disk0:moe1440-736-020111.cnf                1295880     1295880   02/01/2011 18:37:56
disk0:xoBGP736.cnf                           215140      215140   03/04/2010 12:24:46
disk0:/incoming <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26
disk0:/outgoing <DIR>                             0               10/03/2007 16:11:26

2.3. external tool example: reuse your own programs/scripts

if you have some of your own well-tested programes/scripts and enjoyed using them in the terminal, you can always re-use them from inside vim. The even better thing is that the result will be displayed “on the fly”.
[This is more efficient than relying on traditional method that you have to switch between your editor and terminals, and quite often you’ll need to copy/paste between your work file and some temp files/etc. However, for better integration with VIM, your script/program better support stdin/stdout “text streams” as input/output flow, otherwise you might have to wrap them into that looking :)]

original output block of “show version” command
-   26 ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show version
|   27 Juniper Edge Routing Switch E320
|   28 Copyright (c) 1999-2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.  All rights reserved.
|   29 System Release: e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel
|   30         Version: 12.1.1 patch-0.3 [BuildId 14015]   (February 20, 2012  14:18)
|   31 Active Hotfixes:
|   32         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2228.hfx
|   33         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2235.hfx
|   34         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2236.hfx
|   35         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2331.hfx
|   36         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2421.hfx
|   37         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2383.hfx
|   38 System running for: 1378 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes, 54 seconds
|   39         (since MON DEC 01 2008 21:30:03 UTC)
|   40
|   41 slot  state    type    admin  spare   running release    slot uptime
|   42 ---- -------- ------- ------- ----- ------------------- --------------
|   43 0    standby  LM-10   enabled spare e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel      ---
|   44 1     online  LM-4    enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:20m:31s
|   45 2     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:28m:04s
|   46 3     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:24m:00s
|   47 4     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:28m:23s
|   48 5     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:20m:49s
|   49 6    standby  SRP-320 enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel      ---
|   50 6     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:50s
|   51 7     online  SRP-320 enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:43m:57s
|   52 7     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:39s
|   53 8     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:44s
|   54 9     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:30s
|   55 10    online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:34s
|   56 11    online  LM-10   enabled spare e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 0d07h:29m:41s
|   57 12    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:23m:47s
|   58 13    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:20m:33s
|   59 14    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:26m:30s
|   60 15   inactive LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel      ---
|   61 16    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:06m:50s
|   62
|   63 ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#
+   64 +-- 74 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show hardware
+  138 +-- 30 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show utili detailontrol-flow-detection count delta
+  168 +--416 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show log data
+  584 +--  7 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show log data nv-file
+  591 +-- 11 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show subscribers summary slot
vzlogs/2012-0910-0848.log [utf-8] [jel] [26/9561,20] [0%]      [0---------------------------
:'<,'>!showversion      1
after applying the external tool to the output blocks
-   26 ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show version
|   27 Juniper Edge Routing Switch E320
|   28 Copyright (c) 1999-2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.  All rights reserved.
|   29 System Release: e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel
|   30         Version: 12.1.1 patch-0.3 [BuildId 14015]   (February 20, 2012  14:18)
|   31 Active Hotfixes:
|   32         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2228.hfx
|   33         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2235.hfx
|   34         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2236.hfx
|   35         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2331.hfx
|   36         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2421.hfx
|   37         e320_12-1-1p0-3_hf2383.hfx
|   38 System running for: 1378 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes, 54 seconds
|   39         (since MON DEC 01 2008 21:30:03 UTC)
|   40 Time this "show version" CLI command was executed:                                   Tue Sep 11 00:44:57 2012
|   41
|   42 slot  state    type    admin  spare   running release    slot uptime
|   43 ---- -------- ------- ------- ----- ------------------- --------------
|   44 0    standby  LM-10   enabled spare e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel      ---
|   45 1     online  LM-4    enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:20m:31s since Wed Jun 13 13:24:26 2012
|   46 2     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:28m:04s since Wed Jun 13 13:16:53 2012
|   47 3     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:24m:00s since Wed Jun 13 13:20:57 2012
|   48 4     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:28m:23s since Wed Jun 13 13:16:34 2012
|   49 5     online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:20m:49s since Wed Jun 13 13:24:08 2012
|   50 6    standby  SRP-320 enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel      ---
|   51 6     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:50s since Wed Jun 13 13:01:07 2012
|   52 7     online  SRP-320 enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:43m:57s since Wed Jun 13 13:01:00 2012
|   53 7     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:39s since Wed Jun 13 13:01:18 2012
|   54 8     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:44s since Wed Jun 13 13:01:13 2012
|   55 9     online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:30s since Wed Jun 13 13:01:27 2012
|   56 10    online  SFM-320 enabled  ---          ---         89d11h:43m:34s since Wed Jun 13 13:01:23 2012
|   57 11    online  LM-10   enabled spare e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 0d07h:29m:41s  since Mon Sep 10 17:15:16 2012
|   58 12    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:23m:47s since Wed Jun 13 13:21:10 2012
|   59 13    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:20m:33s since Wed Jun 13 13:24:24 2012
|   60 14    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:26m:30s since Wed Jun 13 13:18:27 2012
|   61 15   inactive LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel      ---
|   62 16    online  LM-10   enabled  ---  e320_12-1-1p0-3.rel 89d11h:06m:50s since Wed Jun 13 13:38:07 2012
|   63
|   64 ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#
+   65 +-- 74 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show hardwaretailontrol-flow-detection count delta
+  139 +-- 30 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show utili detail
+  169 +--416 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show log data nv-file
+  585 +--  7 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show log data nv-fileary slot
+  592 +-- 11 lines: ^MLSANCA-VFTTP-142#show subscribers summary slot
vzlogs/2012-0910-0848.log [utf-8,+] [jel] [26/9562,1] [0%]       [0--------------------------------------------------
36 lines filtered 2
1 call the external "showversion" program, and apply the selected range of text as the stdin to the program
2 because the every line of “show version” output (line26-line62,total 36) was processed by the external program and was replaced by the result

the “showversion” program is written by Jonathan with the original name: “realTimeGetterAllFromShowVersion”. Here we use it to domonstrate how to re-use the existing program that you took time to write/test, from within vim. so your/others effort/hard work won’t be wasted.

3. vim folding:make huge file small (JTAC may like)

commonly used method
  • manual

    • better than nothing

    • use for temporary

    • no need modify(good)

    • disadvantage: Do not persist across file reload

  • indent

    • better

    • good for well-indented text (code in consistent indent style, or JUNOS config)

    • advantage: no need modify file content

  • marker

    • Markers in the text tell where folds start and end.

    • This allows you to precisely specify the folds.

  • expr

    • powerful

  • syntax

    • really powerful, but takes time and sharp learning curve to make it work

    • an example:

  • more to read:

    :help foldmethod
            |fold-manual|   manual      Folds are created manually.
            |fold-indent|   indent      Lines with equal indent form a fold.
            |fold-expr|     expr        'foldexpr' gives the fold level of a line.
            |fold-marker|   marker      Markers are used to specify folds.
            |fold-syntax|   syntax      Syntax highlighting items specify folds.
            |fold-diff|     diff        Fold text that is not changed.
    :help fold-manual
    :help fold-indent
    :help ...

3.1. folding: marker

does this looks like 6859 lines of VZ BBE configuration?
[each + sign in the left column is ‘alive’, click it will toggle the folding; The sign will switch between a + and a - accordingly, and the ‘sub-fold’ under current fold appears when current fold got extended]
     2 ## Last changed: 2011-10-19 16:23:32 UTC
     3 version 10.4S6.6;
+    4 +--1053 lines: groups
+ 1058 +-- 11 lines: dynamic-profiles
+ 1069 +--235 lines: system
- 1304 chassis {
| 1305     apply-groups CHASSIS-ALL-FPC_PIC-MAX_QUEUES;
|+1306 +---  3 lines: redundancy
|+1309 +---  3 lines: routing-engine
|+1312 +---  5 lines: aggregated-devices
|+1317 +---  7 lines: fpc 0
|+1324 +---  7 lines: fpc 1
|+1331 +---  3 lines: fpc 10
|+1334 +---  3 lines: fpc 11
| 1337     network-services all-ip;
| 1338 }
+ 1339 +--1659 lines: interfaces
+ 2998 +--  7 lines: forwarding-options
+ 3005 +--  5 lines: event-options
+ 3010 +--124 lines: snmp
+ 3134 +--137 lines: routing-options
+ 3271 +--266 lines: protocols
+ 3537 +--836 lines: policy-options
+ 4373 +--963 lines: class-of-service
+ 5336 +--1298 lines: firewall
+ 6634 +-- 99 lines: access
+ 6733 +-- 90 lines: routing-instances
+ 6823 +--  9 lines: services
  6832 access-profile ACCESS_PROFILE-VZ_DHCPUSER;
+ 6833 +-- 26 lines: diameter

3.2. folding: indentation

Example 9. fold on indent
before fold
      16 a
   -  17         b
   2  18         c
   -  19                 d
   4  20                 e
   2  21         f
      22 g
after fold 2nd level indent (c to f)
      16 a
   -  17         b
   2  18         c
   -+ 19 +-----  2 lines: d
   2  21         f
      22 g
after fold 1st level indent (b to f)
      16 a
   -+ 17 +---  5 lines: b
      22 g

3.3. folding: indentation: JUNOSe/CISCO config file

JUNOS config folding on indentation
[personally I prefer folding on mark than indentation in this case. Mark folding looks more ‘compact’ and hence ‘cleaner’, because the marker method includes the the ‘headers’ (e.g, ‘groups’) line while indentation method only folds the indented lines, excluding the headers]
     2 ## Last changed: 2011-10-19 16:23:32 UTC
     3 version 10.4S6.6;
     4 groups {
+    5 +--1051 lines: re0
  1056 }
  1058 dynamic-profiles {
  1068 }
  1069 system {
+ 1070 +--233 lines: domain-name;
  1303 }
  1304 chassis {
+ 1305 +-- 33 lines: apply-groups CHASSIS-ALL-FPC_PIC-MAX_QUEUES;
  1338 }
  1339 interfaces {
+ 1340 +--1657 lines: ge-0/0/0
  2997 }
  2998 forwarding-options {
+ 2999 +--  5 lines: family inet
  3004 }
  3005 event-options {
+ 3006 +--  3 lines: event-script
  3009 }
  3010 snmp {
+ 3011 +--122 lines: location PRVDRIWA05W0550018A;
  3133 }
  3134 routing-options {
+ 3135 +--135 lines: nonstop-routing;
  3270 }
  3271 protocols {
+ 3272 +--264 lines: igmp
  3536 }
  3537 policy-options {
+ 3538 +--834 lines: prefix-list PREFIX-DUMMY
  4372 }
  4373 class-of-service {
+ 4374 +--961 lines: classifiers
  5335 }
  5336 firewall {
+ 5337 +--1296 lines: family inet
+ 5337 +--1296 lines: family inet
  6633 }
  6634 access {
+ 6635 +-- 97 lines: radius-server
  6732 }
  6733 routing-instances {
+ 6734 +-- 88 lines: vol-voip
  6822 }
  6823 services {
+ 6824 +--  7 lines: radius-flow-tap
  6831 }
  6832 access-profile ACCESS_PROFILE-VZ_DHCPUSER;
  6833 diameter {
+ 6834 +-- 24 lines: origin
  6858 }
  6860 # vim:foldmarker={,}:foldmethod=marker:
mx/vz-mx-config.txt [utf-8] [conf] [6632/6860,1] [96%]    [-------------------------------------------------------------------0---]

3.4. folding: syntax: JUNOSe config

config file:junose(cisco)
[as near as I know, JUNOSe/cisco configuration file (or any other network devices in the current industry ) doesn’t look as well structured as JUNOS/JUNOS-like configurations, which makes the syntax fold for JUNOSe/cisco-like configuration files far more complex and less consistent-looking than JUNOS-like configuration files]
    142 WASHDC-FTTP-02#show configuration
+   143 +--  7 lines: ! Configuration script being generated on TUE OCT 26 2010 16:38:52 UTC
+   150 +--  6 lines: boot config running-configuration
+   156 +--  6 lines: !
    162 virtual-router default
    163 virtual-router vol
    164 !
+   165 +--  2 lines: ip vrf vol-voip
    167 !
    168 virtual-router analyzer
    169 !
    170 license b-ras Aepl1tCe54
+   171 +--  3 lines: aaa domain-map ""
    174 !
+   175 +--  3 lines: aaa domain-map noneden"
    178 !
+   179 +--  3 lines: aaa domain-map ""
    182 !
+   183 +--  3 lines: aaa domain-map ""
    186 !
+   187 +--  3 lines: aaa profile"
    190 !
    191 license bfd "bidr$forw!detect"
    192 hostname "WASHDC-FTTP-02"
+   193 +-- 30 lines: aaa new-modelct"
+   223 +--  2 lines: ! -FTTP-02"
    225 service password-encryption
    226 baseline show-delta-counts
    227 control-plane
    228 !
+   229 +--  3 lines: controller sonet 5/0
    232 !
+   233 +--  3 lines: controller sonet 5/1
    236 !
+   237 +--  4 lines: controller sonet 5/2
    241 !
+   242 +--  4 lines: controller sonet 5/3
    246 !
+   247 +--  3 lines: controller sonet 8/0

3.5. folding: syntax: JUNOS logs

Example 10. JUNOS log captures with vim syntax folding
does this look like 6000+ lines?
[6 vs. 6000 lines, the ratio depends on how long output the command line printed. in this case a ‘show config’ prints thousands of lines. actually to achive this effect, the long regex demonstrated earlier as an example was used to locate the command line itself as part of the work; folding on ‘syntax’ was created in a ‘syntax file’; and the syntax folding action was triggered on a ‘set filetype’ event, which, was either triggered by a manual vim ex command, or the vim automatic file type detection method …]
+-- 26 lines: lab@MX-FIOS-02-re0> show version
+--  8 lines: lab@MX-FIOS-02-re0> show system uptime
+-- 11 lines: lab@MX-FIOS-02-re0> show system alarms
+--150 lines: lab@MX-FIOS-02-re0> show system software
+--113 lines: lab@MX-FIOS-02-re0> show configuration
+--5677 lines: lab@MX-FIOS-02-re0> show configuration | no-more

3.6. folding: syntax: JUNOSe logs

Example 11. JUNOSe log captures with vim syntax folding
does this look like 3492+ lines?
+   36 +-- 38 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show version
+   74 +-- 74 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show hardware
+  148 +-- 30 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show utili detail
+  178 +--  9 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show log data
+  187 +--580 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show log data nv-file
+  767 +--  2 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#!
+  769 +-- 23 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show subscribers summary port
+  792 +-- 28 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show resource
+  820 +-- 20 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show issu
+  840 +--  9 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show issu brief
+  849 +-- 85 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#dir
+  934 +-- 23 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show redundancy history
+  957 +-- 48 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show redundancy history detail
+ 1005 +-- 12 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show flash
+ 1017 +-- 88 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show environment all
+ 1105 +-- 63 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show version all
+ 1168 +--1742 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show log data sev deb
+ 2910 +--  2 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show log data sev deb | inc arity
+ 2912 +--580 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#show log data nv-file sev deb
+ 3492 +--  2 lines: ^MWASHDC-VFTTP-95#!

3.7. folding: syntax: linux command logs

Example 12. linux bash log
+--  2 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ pwd
+--100 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ ls
+--  3 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ du -sh
+-- 27 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ df -h
+--  4 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ less temp1.txt
+-- 50 lines: abc#show config
+-- 31 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ telnet
+--  4 lines: lab@MX-FIOS-01-Re1> exit
+-- 31 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ cat temp.txt
+--  2 lines: ping@640g-laptop:~$ rm temp.txt
mylogin.tcl - 10 [utf-8] [jel] [4/308,1] [1%]       [-0----------------------

4. vim as file browser/manager: netrw (windows explorer)

what an typical file system explorer can do
  • folder operation

  • files operation:cp,mv,delete

  • jumping back and forth

  • going up and down

  • bookmarks/browsing history

  • open files with associated applications: pdf, word, png, rmvb, etc.

  • etc

how does it work

In VIM this is essentially done by the netrw plugin, which is now one of the VIM built-in plugins - it comes with VIM so no need to install the plugin anymore.

This plugin don’t need to be activated - it will just work by default.

4.1. advantage of vim as a file manager

  • search file/folders fast

    • the same skill you learned about how to search text in a file!

    • all regex applys!

  • open/edit remote files/dirs directly from local machine (JTAC,JUNOS)

    • traditional way:

      1. copy(download) remote file to local machine
        (plus: ftp,http,scp,sftp,etc tools need to be explicitly involves)

      2. open/edit local copy, save to a local temp file

      3. copy(upload) to remote place (ftp,http,scp,sftp tools involves)

    • with VIM:

      1. open/edit remote file directly, save, done
        [some may think this is not too much fancy in unix system - all unix-like system comes with a standard vi/vim installed. However, Think about how do you modify files in a remote system that supports SSH, but no fancy terminal-based editor installed- for example, you may want to edit some files in your iphone :p ]

  • open edit file from achives directly

    • traditional way:

      1. extract to another temp folder

      2. open/edit files from the temp folder, save

      3. make a new achive

    • with VIM:

      1. open/edit files from archieve , save, done

4.2. example:open local FS

Example 13. browse local file system
ping@640g-laptop:~$ vim e-serials
  " ============================================================================
  " Netrw Directory Listing                                        (netrw v144a)
  "   /home/ping/e-serials
  "   Sorted by      name
  "   Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
  "   Hiding:        ^\..*
  "   Quick Help: <F1>:help  -:go up dir  D:delete  R:rename  s:sort-by  x:exec
  " ============================================================================
/data/backup/Juniper/e-serials [utf-8,-,RO] [netrw] [1/60,1] [1%]

4.3. example:open archive file: tarball

Example 14. $vim XML-Parser-2.40.tar.gz
    1 " tar.vim version v26
    2 " Browsing tarfile /home/ping/Downloads/XML-Parser-2.40.tar.gz
    3 " Select a file with cursor and press ENTER
    5 XML-Parser-2.40
    6 XML-Parser-2.40/Changes
    7 XML-Parser-2.40/Makefile.PL
    8 XML-Parser-2.40/MANIFEST
    9 XML-Parser-2.40/META.yml
   10 XML-Parser-2.40/
   11 XML-Parser-2.40/README
   12 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat
   13 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/encoding.h                            1
   14 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/
   15 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/Expat.xs
   16 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/Makefile.PL
   17 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/typemap
   18 XML-Parser-2.40/inc
   19 XML-Parser-2.40/inc/Devel
   20 XML-Parser-2.40/inc/Devel/
   21 XML-Parser-2.40/Parser
   22 XML-Parser-2.40/Parser/
XML-Parser-2.40.tar.gz [utf-8,-,RO] [tar] [1/78,1] [1%]      [0-------------]
1 move cursor here

now move to line 13 and press <enter>, the file listed in line 13 “XML-Parser-2.40/encoding.h” will be opened in a second window:

file “XML-Parser-2.40/encoding.h”
   13 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/encoding.h                          1
   14 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/
   15 XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/Expat.xs
XML-Parser-2.40.tar.gz [utf-8,-,RO] [tar] [13/78,1] [16%]                  [0----]
    1 /*****************************************************************
    2 ** encoding.h                                             2
    3 **
    4 ** Copyright 1998 Clark Cooper
    5 ** All rights reserved.
    6 **
    7 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    8 ** modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
    9 */
   11 #ifndef ENCODING_H
   12 #define ENCODING_H 1
   14 #define ENCMAP_MAGIC    0xfeebface
   16 typedef struct prefixmap {
   17   unsigned char min;
   18   unsigned char len;                    /* 0 => 256 */
   19   unsigned short bmap_start;
   20   unsigned char ispfx[32];
   21   unsigned char ischar[32];
   22 } PrefixMap;
tarfile::XML-Parser-2.40/Expat/encoding.h [utf-8] [cpp] [1/91,1] [1%]      [0--
1 original window that contains the file lists in the tar ball
2 new window with opened file
[the file that is just opened is the one that you pressed <return> when your cursor was on]

4.4. example:open remote FS: JUNOS

Example 15. remote(MX) (root) file system
vim ftp://lab@
[ftp is not the only option, vim support almost all protocols(fttp/scp/sftp/rcp/rsync/…)to retrieve remote FS info, see :help netrw for more info]
  " ============================================================================
  " Netrw Directory Listing                                        (netrw v144a)
  "   ftp://lab@
  "   Sorted by      name
  "   Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
  "   Hiding:        ^\..*
  "   Quick Help: <F1>:help  -:go up dir  D:delete  R:rename  s:sort-by  x:exec
  " ============================================================================
*ftp://lab@* [utf-8,-,RO] [netrw] [30/32,1] [93%]

4.5. example:open remote FS :JUNOS: list view

Example 16. remote(MX) file system: "long" view
  " ============================================================================
  " Netrw Directory Listing                                        (netrw v144a)
  "   ftp://lab@
  "   Sorted by      name
  "   Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
  "   Hiding:        ^\..*
  "   Quick Help: <F1>:help  -:go up dir  D:delete  R:rename  s:sort-by  x:exec
  " ============================================================================
  altconfig/      dr-x------   2 root  wheel   512 Aug 24  2011
  altroot/        dr-x------   2 root  wheel   512 Aug 24  2011
  bin/    drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Nov 16  2011
  boot/   drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel   512 Nov 16  2011
  config/ drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel   512 Jul  9 20:39
  data/   dr-x------   2 root  wheel   512 Aug 24  2011
  dev/    dr-xr-xr-x   3 root  wheel   512 Jan  1  1970
  etc/    drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel  2048 Jul  9 20:39
  lib64/  drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Nov 16  2011
  libexec/        drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Nov 16  2011
  mfs/    drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel   512 Jul  8 19:29
  mnt/    drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Mar 12  2009
  modules/        drwxr-xr-x   7 root  wheel   512 Nov 16  2011
  opt/    drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel   512 Nov 16  2011
  packages/       drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel  2560 Nov 16  2011
  proc/   dr-xr-xr-x   1 root  wheel     0 Aug 26 12:40
  root/   drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Nov 22  2011
  sbin/   drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel  2048 Nov 16  2011
  tmp/    drwxrwxrwt   3 root  wheel   512 Aug 26 03:34
  usr/    drwxr-xr-x   8 root  wheel   512 Nov 16  2011
  var/    drwxr-xr-x  31 root  wheel   512 Jul  8 19:30
  COPYRIGHT       -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  6187 Aug 24  2011
  kernel@ lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    17 Nov 16  2011
  staging@        lrwxrwxrwx   1 root  wheel     8 Nov 16  2011

4.6. example:open remote FS directly: JUNOS: tree view

Example 17. remote(MX) file system: "tree view"
  " ============================================================================
  " Netrw Directory Listing                                        (netrw v144a)
  "   ftp://lab@
  "   Sorted by      name
  "   Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
  "   Hiding:        ^\..*
  "   Quick Help: <F1>:help  -:go up dir  D:delete  R:rename  s:sort-by  x:exec
  " ============================================================================
  | account/
  | at/
  | backups/
  | bin/
  | crash/
  | cron/
  | db/
  | empty/
  | etc@/
  | heimdal/
  | home/
  | jail/
  | log/
  | | client@/
  | | ext/
  | | flowc/
  | | ggsn/
  | | r1@/
  | | smartd.trace*
  | | appidd
  | | aprobed
  | | apsd
  | | authd_profilelib
  | | authd_sdb.log
  | | authlib_jdhcpd_trace.log
  | | authlib_jdhcpd_trace.log.0.gz
NetrwTreeListing 1 [utf-8,-,RO] [netrw] [1/178,1] [0%]

4.7. example:open archive file on remote FS "on the fly": JUNOS

Example 18. remote(MX) file system: open messages.0.gz in vertical window
[so yes there is no doubt vim also supports accessing local archives (in whatever known format) ‘on the fly’]
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.1.gz     1 Jul 13 08:52:00 MX-FIOS-02-re0 newsyslog[22326]: logfile turned o
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.2.gz     2 Jul 13 08:55:37  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(1)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.3.gz     3 Jul 13 08:55:37  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.4.gz     4 Jul 13 08:59:38  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.5.gz     5 Jul 13 09:03:40  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.6.gz     6 Jul 13 09:07:41  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.7.gz     7 Jul 13 09:11:42  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  jdhcpd_sdb.log.8.gz     8 Jul 13 09:15:43  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  ksyncd                  9 Jul 13 09:19:44  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:first cell
  ldp.trace              10 Jul 13 09:23:46  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(0)_REG_ERR:first cell
  license                11 Jul 13 09:23:46  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  license_subs_trace.log 12 Jul 13 09:27:47  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  lmpd                   13 Jul 13 09:31:48  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:first cell
  lsp.stats              14 Jul 13 09:31:48  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  lsp.stats.0.gz         15 Jul 13 09:35:49  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  mastership             16 Jul 13 09:37:50  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(1)_REG_ERR:first cell
  messages               17 Jul 13 09:39:50  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(0)_REG_ERR:first cell
  messages.0.gz 1      18 Jul 13 09:43:52  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  messages.1.gz          19 Jul 13 09:47:53  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  messages.2.gz          20 Jul 13 09:51:54  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(1)_REG_ERR:first cell
  messages.3.gz          21 Jul 13 09:51:54  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:first cell
  messages.4.gz          22 Jul 13 09:55:55  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  messages.5.gz          23 Jul 13 09:59:56  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  messages.6.gz          24 Jul 13 10:07:59  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(1)_REG_ERR:first cell
  messages.7.gz          25 Jul 13 10:07:59  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  messages.8.gz          26 Jul 13 10:20:02  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  messages.9.gz          27 Jul 13 10:24:04  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  mpls.trace             28 Jul 13 10:30:05  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(1)_REG_ERR:first cell
  op-script.log          29 Jul 13 10:32:06  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pf                     30 Jul 13 10:36:07  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pfed                   31 Jul 13 10:40:08  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pfed_jdhcpd_trace.log  32 Jul 13 10:44:10  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pfed_trace.log         33 Jul 13 10:52:12  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pgmd                   34 Jul 13 10:56:13  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  poweron_seq.log        35 Jul 13 11:04:16  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pppoed_era_jpppoed_era_36 Jul 13 11:08:17  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pppoed_era_jpppoed_era_37 Jul 13 11:12:18  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(0)_REG_ERR:first cell
  pppoed_era_jpppoed_era_38 Jul 13 11:12:18  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pppoed_era_jpppoed_era_39 Jul 13 11:16:19  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  pppoed_era_jpppoed_era_40 Jul 13 11:20:20  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  rtspd                  41 Jul 13 11:24:22  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  snapshot               42 Jul 13 11:28:23  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  utmp                   43 Jul 13 11:32:24  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  wtmp                   44 Jul 13 11:34:25  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(1)_REG_ERR:first cell
  wtmp.0.gz              45 Jul 13 11:40:26  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  wtmp.1.gz              46 Jul 13 11:44:28  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  wtmp.2.gz              47 Jul 13 11:48:29  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  wtmp.3.gz              48 Jul 13 11:52:30  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  wtmp.4.gz              49 Jul 13 11:56:31  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:first cell
  ~                      50 Jul 13 11:56:31  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
  ~                      51 Jul 13 12:00:32  MX-FIOS-02-re0 fpc2 ICHIP(3)_REG_ERR:Non first c
ftp://lab@ [utf-8,RO] [78%]ftp://lab@
:set nowrap
1 file currently viewed in the vertical window on the right

5. vim as terminal emulator: Conqterm (secureCRT) (JTAC may like)

This is done by vim Conque Shell plugin. Once installed, it can be activated to start a bash terminal into a VIM buffer.

:ConqueTerm bash

5.1. Conqterm examples

Example 19. vim as a terminal: local bash
ping@640g-laptop:~$ pwd
ping@640g-laptop: ~
-- INSERT --                     1
1 vim "insert mode" indicator
Example 20. vim as a terminal: login remote system (telnet/ssh)
5960                                                                    1
5970 PRVDRI-VFTTP-32:vol#
5971 PRVDRI-VFTTP-32:vol#show ip int g12/1/5.1619                       2
5972 GigabitEthernet12/1/5.1619 line protocol VlanSub is up, ip is up   3
5973   Network Protocols: IP
5974   Unnumbered Interface on loopback100
5975   ( IP address )
5976   Operational MTU = 1500  Administrative MTU = 0
5977   Operational speed = 1000000000  Administrative speed = 0
5978   Discontinuity Time = 3959287872
5979   Router advertisement = disabled
5980   Proxy Arp = enabled
5981   ARP spoof checking = enabled
5982   Network Address Translation is disabled
5983   TCP MSS Adjustment = disabled
5984   SA-validation Enabled
5985   Administrative debounce-time = disabled
5986   Operational debounce-time    = disabled
......                                                                  4
6068       traffic-class RT-VIDEO
6069       mark 128 mask 224
6070 PRVDRI-VFTTP-32:vol#
Verizon SSH Jumpstation - PRVDRI-VFTTP-32
 -- INSERT --                                                           5
1 line number
2 router (ERX) command line typed in
3 router (ERX) command line output captures
4 snipped - original output is long
5 vim "insert mode" indicator - we ARE in an editor, no doubt!

5.2. terminal emulator:list of cool features

all(most) vim power as an editor conveys:
  • pattern search ,jumping using same skills as if in normal text file

  • syntax highlight

  • (syntax) fold

  • multi-tab (like secureCRT)

  • split, multi page, etc

  • suspend/resume anytime as will

  • save logs

  • etc…

6. vim as free hand drawing tool: drawit (paint,visio,word)(JTAC may like)

6.1. free hand tools considerations

  • JTAC sometimes need draw ascii graph:

    • network topology (mostly)

    • flow chart (occasionally)

  • available tools overview:

    • notepad is only good at horizontal lines, try it with vertical lines

    • paint is lightweight, but … anyone use that?

    • word/visio is standard/powerful/… but heavy & expensive

    • heavy in the sense like "overkills" for simple tasks

    • expensive not in sense of price, more in sense of time

    • UltraEdit and others might be nice, but try it with a MPLSVPN topo

  • ascii art vs. binary tools:

    • ascii art is always my first choice whenever possible:

      • small/portable/easy to maintain,

      • still cool/good enough to demonstrate the issue

    • small: only several K or within a hundred of Bytes

    • clear: arrow, signs, letters,numbers are always enough to demonstrate

    • portable: 100% green, no need to install any fancy software

    • maintain: the cool thing is you can just write topology directly into configs/code!

There are a couple of plugins available to draw ascii-arts, my personal favorite is drawit.

DrawIt is a plugin which allows one to draw lines left, right, up, down, and along both slants. Optionally one may "cap" the lines with arrowheads. One may change the horizontal, vertical, slant, and crossing characters to whichever characters one wishes.

6.2. example:draw a "decent-looking" MPLS-VPN topology, in 2 minutes

try drawing a topology that involves:
[I finished it in this vim presentation within 1.5 min I guess :) ]
  • 4 P backbone

  • 2 PE

  • 2 CE

  • lines/marks/rectangle/eclipse (for better readability)

6.3. example:a more complicated topology

  +-----------------+                           ***************                           *****************
  |MX2              |                     ******   (AS65222)   ******               ******lo0 |(AS65020)   ******
  |                 |                   **         (130.130/16)      **          ***  (area 2)|(220.220/16)      ***
  +-+-+---+-+---+-+-+                 **           +-----+(InetRoutes) **      **          +--+--+                  **
    | |   | |   | |                   *            |t1   |(131.131/16)  *      *           |c2   |                   *
    | |   | |   | |                   **           |(r8) |(132/16)     **      **          |(r9) |                  **
    +-+   +-+   +-+                     **         +--+--+(133/25)   **          ***       +-++--+               ***
  xe-1/3/2                                ******      |(em1)   ******               (em2.600)||(em2.1  )   ******
  xe-1/3/3                                      ***************                        .2 ***||************
         xe-9/3/0                                     |             ||
         xe-9/3/1                                     |                        (OSPF/l2vpn)..||..........
                                                      |(em2.300)                    .        |+-+       .
        ..............................................|(            .(em1.600)|  |  (
        .                               (agg 10/16)   |(fe0/0/2)                  .         +++ |  (fe0/1/3)
        .                               <========= .13|=========>                .(c1-c2-l2)| | |  (em1.1  )
    (fe0/0/0)+-----+(em1)                    (em2) +--+--+(em2)                 .   (em1)  ++-+-++      .
     |  . .1 |r1   |(fe0/0/1)    L1      (fe0/0/0) |r3   |(fe0/0/3)  L2,L1 pass.(fe0/1/1)  |r6:PE|      .
     +--.----+6.1  +-------------------------------+3.3  +--------------------.------------+9.6  |.2    .
     |  (em1)+--+--+ .14     (    .13 +--+--+ .14      (    .13 )+-----+ (fe0/1/2)
     |  .       |   \(em1)                   (em2)/   |   \-.2              .            -/.5     \-(em1)
     | (fe0/0/2)|.5   -(fe0/0/3)       (fe0/0/1)-/    |     \(at0/1/0)     .            /(fe0/1/0)  \-  .
     |  .  (em1)|      \.18                    /.1    |.5  . \(em2)       .( (em1)        \-(
     |  .       |       \                     /       |(em2)  \- (       -/ <===========    \-(v61)
     |  .       |        \-                 -/        |(so0/2/0)\L1 pass.           /L1(rip to ISISL1/2). \-passive L1
     |  .       |          \L1           L1/          |    .     \-L2  .          -/    ===========>    .   \-
     |  .     10|           \             /           |    .       \(at0/2/1)    /      (default)       .     \-              |192
     |  .      .|            \-         -/            |10  .        \(em1)      /.6                     .       \- (fe0/0/0)  |.
     |  .      0|              \       /(    |.   .        .\-.1     -/(fe0/0/0)               .         \-          |168
     |  .      .|               \     /               |0   .       .   +-----+  (em2)                   .       .1  \-----+   |.
-----+  .      4|L1              \- -/              L2|.   . IS ext L1 |r5   |.6                        .<========= |data |   |0~3
     |  .      .|                  /                  |2   . <======== |3.5  |                          .(rip route)|centr+---+/
     |  .      4|                 / \                 |.   . to L2.    +-----+.9                        .       .13 ------+   |24
     |  .      /|               -/   \-               |4   .       .  /.9     \(fe0/1/0)                .         -/ (r11)    |
     |  .     30|              /       \(   |/   .        -/(em2)    \-                       .       -/(fe-0/0/1)  |
     |  .       |             /         \             |30  .       /(so-0/1/0)   \                      .     -/  (em1)       |
     |  .       |           -/           \-           |    .      /   .           \L1   (default)       .    /
     |  .       |          /               \(fe0/0/2) |(so0/1/0) /L2   .           \    ===========>    .  -/passive L1
     |  .       |         /                 \         |(em1)   -/L1 pass.           \-  (rip to ISIS)   .-/
     |  .       |       -/                   \-       |    .  /(          \ <===========    / (v71)
     |  .  (em2)|.6    /                       \      |    . /            (\(fe0/3/1)     -/(
     | (fe0/0/3)|     /(em1)              (em2) \.17  |.6  -/(em1)         .            \(em2)      -/(em2)
     |  .       |   -/(fe-0/0/2)                 \-   |   /(so-0/1/1)       .             \.10    -/(fe-0/3/0)
     |  .    +--+--+.2                             +--+--+ .10               .   (em2)     +-----+ .14  .
     |  . .2 |r2   |  (em2) (  (em1)   |r4:PE|(fe0/0/3)(em1)      .(fe-0/3/3)  |r7:PE|      .
     +-------+6.2  +-------------------------------+3.4  +-.-------------------.-----------+9.7  |      .
     |  (em2)+-----+ (fe-0/0/1).10     (fe-0/0/1).9++--+++ ..18   (      .17 ++---++      .
  (fe0/0/0)  (                   (c1-c2-l2)|  |  \          L2,L1 pass  .        / |c1 |       .
10.0.5/24.                                 <======> +-++   \                      .      /  +---+       .
        .                               (agg 10/16)   +----\\(fe-0/0/0)            .    /(fe-0/3/2)     .
        ....................................................\\(em3.1  )             .  /(em2.70 )       .
                                                    (em3.600)\\.5                    ./.1              .
                                             (\\(      /.                 .
                                                   (OSPF/L2vpn)\\                   /  ..................
                                                                \\                 / (
                                                                 \\ (OSPF AREA 0) / EBGP
                                                         (em4.600)\\(em4.1)      /
                                                            ******  \\         /   ******
                                                        ****         \\       /          ****
                                                       *           .2 \\.6   /.2             *
                                                     **                 +-----+               **
                                                     *                  |c1   |                *
                                                     **                 +(r10)+               **
                                                       *                +-----\              *
                                                        ****        (AS65010)  \(area 1) ****
                                                            ******  (200.200/16)\  ******
                                                           em1:xe-1/3/2 <---loopback----->  em2:xe-1/3/3                                            *****************
                                                           em3:xe-9/3/0 <---loopback----->  em4:xe-9/3/1

Multi-level IS-IS, Areas 0001 and 0002 with ISO NET based on router number.

lo0 address of r3 and r4 not injected into Area 0001 to ensure optimal forwarding between and Passive setting on r5’s core interfaces for optimal Area 0002-to-core routing.

No authentication or route summarization. Routing policy at r5 to leak L1 externals (DC routes) to L2.

Redistribution of static default route to data center from both r6 and r7. Redistribution of 192.168.0/24 through 192.168.3/24 routes from RIP into IS-IS by both r6 and r7.

All adjacencies are up, reachability problem discovered at r1 and r2 caused by local aggregate definition. Corrected through IBGP policy to effect 10.0/16 route advertisement from r3 and r4 to r1 and r2; removed local aggregate from r1 and r2.

Suboptimal routing detected at the data center and at r1/r2 for some locations. This is the result of random nexthop choice for data center’s default, and the result of r1 and r2’s preference for r3’s RID over r4 with regard to the 10.0/16 route. This is considered normal behavior, so no corrective actions are taken.

7. vim as a doc browser: txtbrowser, Man

7.1. spec browser

Example 21. spec(RFC) reader
       " Press <F1> to display help text              1
    -  rfc2328.txt (/Dropbox/temp-transfer)           3
    |-   content                                      4
    ||     1.  Introduction                           5 Network Working Group                                             J. Moy
    ||     2.  The Link-state Database: organi>       6 Request for Comments: 2328                   Ascend Communications, Inc.
    ||     3.  Splitting the AS into Areas            7 STD: 54                                                       April 1998
    ||     4.  Functional Summary                     8 Obsoletes: 2178
    ||     5.  Protocol Data Structures               9 Category: Standards Track
    ||     6.  The Area Data Structure               10
    ||     7.  Bringing Up Adjacencies               11
    ||     8.  Protocol Packet Processing            12                              OSPF Version 2
    ||     9.  The Interface Data Structure          13
    ||     10.  The Neighbor Data Structure          14
    ||     11.  The Routing Table Structure          15 Status of this Memo
    ||     12.  Link State Advertisements (LSA>      16
    ||     13.  The Flooding Procedure               17     This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
    ||     14.  Aging The Link State Database        18     Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
    ||     15.  Virtual Links                        19     improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
    ||     16.  Calculation of the routing tab>      20     Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
    |                                                21     and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is
    |-   figures                                     22     unlimited.
    ||     Figure 1a: Network map components         23
    ||     Figure 1b illustrates the link-stat>      24 Copyright Notice
    ||     Figure 1b: Network map components         25
    ||     Figure 2 shows a sample map of an A>      26     Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.
    ||     Figure 2: A sample Autonomous System      27
    ||     Figure 3: The resulting directed gr>      28 Abstract
    ||     Figure 4: Individual link state com>      29
    ||     Figure 5.                                 30     This memo documents version 2 of the OSPF protocol.  OSPF is a
    ||     Figure 5: The SPF tree for Router R>      31     link-state routing protocol.  It is designed to be run internal to a
    ||     Figure 6 shows a sample area config>      32     single Autonomous System.  Each OSPF router maintains an identical
    ||     Figure 7 shows the resulting link-s>      33     database describing the Autonomous System's topology.  From this
    ||     Figure 7 by the dashed stub routes.>      34     database, a routing table is calculated by constructing a shortest-
    ||     Figure 6: A sample OSPF area config>      35     path tree.
    ||     Figure 7: Area 1's Database.              36
    ||     Figure 8: The backbone's database.        37     OSPF recalculates routes quickly in the face of topological changes,
    ||     Figure 9 shows the collection of da>      38     utilizing a minimum of routing protocol traffic.  OSPF provides
    ||     Figure 9: Router RT10's Data struct>      39     support for equal-cost multipath.  An area routing capability is
    ||     Figure 10: The graph of adjacencies       40     provided, enabling an additional level of routing protection and a
    ||     Figure 11 shows the graph of interf>      41     reduction in routing protocol traffic.  In addition, all OSPF
    ||     Figure 11: Interface State changes        42     routing protocol exchanges are authenticated.
    ||     Figure 12: Neighbor state changes (>      43
    ||     Figure 13: Neighbor state changes (>      44     The differences between this memo and RFC 2178 are explained in
    ||     Figure 14 shows an example of an ad>      45     Appendix G. All differences are backward-compatible in nature.
    ||     Figure 14: An adjacency bring-up ex>      46
    ||     Figure 15: Area 1 with IP addresses>      47
    ||     Figure 16: Forwarding address examp>      48
    ||     Figure 17: Routing through transit >      49
    ||     Figure 18: Usage of the Authenticat>      50 Moy                         Standards Track                     [Page 1]
    |                                                51 ^L
    |-   tables                                      52 RFC 2328                     OSPF Version 2                   April 1998
    ||     Table 2: The portion of Router RT6'>      53
    ||     Table 3: The portion of Router RT6'>      54
    ||     Table 4.  These summaries show whic>      55     Implementations of this memo and of RFCs 2178, 1583, and 1247 will
    ||     Table 4: Networks advertised to the>      56     interoperate.
    ||     Table 5: Backbone distances calcula>      57
    __Tag_List__ [utf-8,-] [taglist] [3/86,1] > Dropbox/temp-transfer/rfc2328.txt [utf-8] [txt] [4/12201,1] [0%]         [0---

7.2. man page browser

VIM(1)                                                                                                                                                                                        VIM(1)

       vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor

       vim [options] [file ..]
       vim [options] -
       vim [options] -t tag
       vim [options] -q [errorfile]

       gvim gview evim eview
       rvim rview rgvim rgview

       Vim is a text editor that is upwards compatible to Vi.  It can be used to edit all kinds of plain text.  It is especially useful for editing programs.

       There  are a lot of enhancements above Vi: multi level undo, multi windows and buffers, syntax highlighting, command line editing, filename completion, on-line help, visual selection, etc..
       See ":help vi_diff.txt" for a summary of the differences between Vim and Vi.

       While running Vim a lot of help can be obtained from the on-line help system, with the ":help" command.  See the ON-LINE HELP section below.

       Most often Vim is started to edit a single file with the command

            vim file


                      Script to detect the type of a file by its contents.  See ":help 'filetype'".

                      Files used for PostScript printing.

       For recent info read the VIM home page:

jump between the man manual "see also" chains

move cursor on top of any places in the “vimtutor” command under the man page “SEE ALSO” section, and press ctrl-], vim will take you to the man page of that new command under current cursor. a ctrl-o will jump back to ‘man vim’ again.

man vimtutor
1] D/t/rfc2328.txt [2] /h/p/vimtutor
    1 VIMTUTOR(1)
    5 NAME
    6        vimtutor - the Vim tutor
    9        vimtutor [-g] [language]
   12        Vimtutor starts the Vim tutor.  It copies the tutor file first, so that it can be modified without changing the original file.
   14        The Vimtutor is useful for people that want to learn their first Vim commands.
   16        The optional argument -g starts vimtutor with gvim rather than vim, if the GUI version of vim is available, or falls back to Vim if gvim is not found.
   18        The  optional  [language]  argument  is  the two-letter name of a language, like "it" or "es".  If the [language] argument is missing, the language of the current locale will be used.  If a
   19        tutor in this language is available, it will be used.  Otherwise the English version will be used.
   21        Vim is always started in Vi compatible mode.
   23 FILES
   24        /usr/share/vim/vim73/tutor/tutor[.language]
   25                       The Vimtutor text file(s).
   27        /usr/share/vim/vim73/tutor/tutor.vim
   28                       The Vim script used to copy the Vimtutor text file.
   30 AUTHOR
   31        The Vimtutor was originally written for Vi by Michael C. Pierce and Robert K. Ware, Colorado School of Mines using ideas supplied by  Charles  Smith,  Colorado  State  University.   E-mail:
   33        It was modified for Vim by Bram Moolenaar.  For the names of the translators see the tutor files.
   35 SEE ALSO
   36        vim(1)

8. vim as IDE: ctag (elips,visual studio?) (DE may like, not for JTAC)

8.1. extra power as an IDE

  • realtime syntax hi

  • industry "standard" source code browser :

    • ctag,

    • cscope

  • vimdiff

  • web develop

  • a lot more …

8.2. code browser:taglist

Example 22. vim code browser: taglist
    " Press <F1> to display he>      1 /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
                                     2  *
 -  gvimext.h (/home/ping/temp>      3  * VIM - Vi IMproved    by Bram Moolenaar
 |-   macro                          4  *
 ||     AFX_STDAFX_H__3389658B>      5  * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
 ||     STRICT                       6  * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
 ||     INC_OLE2                     7  * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
 ||     _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECA>      8  */
 ||     _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPREC>      9
 ||     UINT_PTR                    10 /*
 ||     UINT_PTR                    11  * getchar.c
 ||     ResultFromShort             12  *
 ||     INITGUID                    13  * functions related with getting a character from the user/mapping/redo/...
 ||     MAX_HWND                    14  *
 |                                  15  * manipulations with redo buffer and stuff buffer
 |-   typedef                       16  * mappings and abbreviations
 ||     LPCSHELLEXT                 18
 |                                  19 #include "vim.h"
 |-   class                         20
 ||     CShellExtClassFactory       21 /*
 ||     CShellExt                   22  * These buffers are used for storing:
                                    23  * - stuffed characters: A command that is translated into another command.
 -  gvimext.cpp (/home/ping/te>     24  * - redo characters: will redo the last change.
 |-   variable                      25  * - recorded characters: for the "q" command.
 ||     fmte                        26  *
 ||     medium                      27  * The bytes are stored like in the typeahead buffer:
 ||     hres                        28  * - K_SPECIAL introduces a special key (two more bytes follow).  A literal
 ||     cbFiles                     29  *   K_SPECIAL is stored as K_SPECIAL KS_SPECIAL KE_FILLER.
 ||     oldenv                      30  * - CSI introduces a GUI termcap code (also when gui.in_use is FALSE,


 |-   function                      48 #endif
 ||     getGvimName                 49 static struct buffheader recordbuff = , NULL, 0, 0};
 ||     getGvimNameW                50
 ||     getRuntimeDir               51 static int typeahead_char = 0;          /* typeahead char that's not flushed */
 ||     dyn_libintl_init            52
 ||     dyn_libintl_end             53 /*
 ||     null_libintl_gettext        54  * when block_redo is TRUE redo buffer will not be changed
 ||     null_libintl_bindtextd>     55  * used by edit() to repeat insertions and 'V' command for redoing
 ||     null_libintl_textdomain     56  */
 __Tag_List__ [utf-8,-] [tagli> src/getchar.c [utf-8] [c] [1/5267,26] [0%]    [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0->

8.3. diff tool:vimdiff

Example 23. vimdiff
3 out of 5000+ lines diff
     1 *^H ^H**********                                -     1 *^H ^H**********
     2 ^MPassword: ^C                                          -----------------------------------------
     3 % Access denied                                       2 % Access denied
     4 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>                                   3 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>
     5 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>                                   4 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>
     6 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>                                   5 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>
     7 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>                                   6 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>
     8 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>                                   7 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>
+    9 +--1986 lines: ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>rnet (Gigabit> +    8 +--1986 lines: ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117>rnet (>
  1995 DEBUG 01/27/2012 10:57:06 UTC ethernet: Etherne>   1994 DEBUG 01/27/2012 10:57:06 UTC ethernet: >
  1996 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:24:23 UTC ethernet (Gigabit>   1995 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:24:23 UTC ethernet (>
  1997 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:24:29 UTC ethernet: Etherne>   1996 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:24:29 UTC ethernet: >
  1998 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:42:56 UTC ethernet (Gigabit>   1997 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:42:56 UTC ethernet (>
  1999 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:43:02 UTC ethernet: Etherne>   1998 DEBUG 01/27/2012 13:43:02 UTC ethernet: >
  2000 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:27:42 UTC ethernet (Gigabit>   1999 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:27:42 UTC ethernet (>
  2001 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:27:48 UTC ethernet: Etherne>        -----------------------------------------
  2002 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:00 UTC ethernet (Gigabit>   2000 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:00 UTC ethernet (>
  2003 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:05 UTC ethernet: Etherne>   2001 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:05 UTC ethernet: >
  2004 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:35 UTC ethernet (Gigabit>   2002 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:35 UTC ethernet (>
  2005 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:41 UTC ethernet: Etherne>   2003 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:29:41 UTC ethernet: >
  2006 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:42:05 UTC ethernet (Gigabit>   2004 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:42:05 UTC ethernet (>
  2007 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:42:11 UTC ethernet: Etherne>   2005 DEBUG 01/27/2012 15:42:11 UTC ethernet: >
+ 2008 +--3565 lines: DEBUG 01/27/2012 16:54:18 UTC eth + 2006 +--3565 lines: DEBUG 01/27/2012 16:54:18
  5573   Dropped exceeded packets 0, bytes 0              5571   Dropped exceeded packets 0, bytes 0
  5574                                                    5572
  5575 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol# ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H>   5573 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol# ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^>
  5576 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol#                            5574 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol#
  5577 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol#show int g12/1/7^G^H^H^H>   5575 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol#show int g12/1/7^>
  5578 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol# ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H>   5576 ^MTAMPFL-VFTTP-117:vol# ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^>
vzlogs/2012-0201-0769.log [utf-8] [jel] [1/5580,3] [0%> [No Name] [utf-8,+]  [1/5578,1] [0%]        [0->

8.4. web develop:vimwiki (webadmin may like)

super quick web developing tool, need a whole seperate presentation to demonstrate the power. not much useful for JTAC.

8.5. git/vcs integration

super version management tools, need a whole seperate presentation to demonstrate the power.

9. vim programming language: vimL

combine the power:vim script (vimL)
  • vim is programmable - vimL programming language

  • combine all existing command/operations into action sequence

9.1. vimL example:clean a log file

creating a new command to:
  • remove special control characters
    [e.g, ascii code 8 or 9,representing BS (Backspace) or HT(Horizontal Tab), see unix man page man ascii for more detail]

    • ‘CR’ (unix version of return)

  • "translate" control characters back into the control

    • turn the “backspace” in the log into "deleting 1 characters before it"

    Example 24. vimL
    command! Log2AsciidocClean call Log2AsciidocClean()
    function! Log2AsciidocClean()
    "clean the file
        "remove some special CH, like ^M
        :%s#\r\|\s\=\(^G\|^M\)##                                    1
    1 Although the “special” characters listed visually (represented by a literal ^ and G) in this example does not looks “special”, they are printed here only for the visibility purpose. The character itself (e.g. you pressed a BACKSPACE key) is not visible in the real file. In vim there is a way to generate this kind of non-visible character: by pressing a “ctrl-V” (make it Visual) and another “ctrl-M”, a “Backspace”,repsensented in the text as a ^M (ascii code 0x07) is inserted. A ^M (\r) can be generated the same way.
    execute new created command
Example 25. raw logs(folded)
+ 8441 +-- 15 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show log data nv-file
+ 8456 +--  9 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol# ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^HH
+ 8465 +--  2 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#term^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H
  8467 ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show user det
+ 8468 +-- 13 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show user detail
  8481 ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show resou
+ 8482 +-- 32 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show resource
+ 8555 +--  2 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol# ^H ^H
+ 8560 +-- 73 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#shw hardw^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^How hard
+ 8633 +--  3 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol# ^H ^H
  8636 ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#term lenth ^H ^H^H ^H^H ^Hgth 0
+ 8637 +--  2 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#term with 200^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^Hidth 200
+ 8639 +-- 38 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show vesion^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^Hrsion
+ 8677 +-- 32 lines: ^MDLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show resurse^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^Hsource^H ^He ^H ^H
Example 26. cleaned logs(folded)
+ 8441 +-- 26 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show log data nv-file
  8467 DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show user det
+ 8468 +-- 13 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show user detail
  8481 DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show resou
+ 8482 +-- 32 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show resource
+ 8557 +--  3 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#shw hardw
+ 8560 +-- 76 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show hard
  8636 DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#term length 0
+ 8637 +--  2 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#term width 200
+ 8639 +-- 38 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show version
+ 8677 +-- 32 lines: DLLSTX-VFTTP-71:vol#show resource

9.2. vimL example:indent command output

with vim you can do much more powerful things
  • turn a huge log file into a structured HTML file

  • you can then share the web link instead of bothering attachment/go to a server/passwd/etc..

  • examples: whole log file as a structured-looking web page

  • all can be done with a few keystrokes in a second!

a more complex vim script: indent command output, from keyword “<<top>>” to

end of the command output
[there is a longer story behind this. Following code was partially captured from a sequence of code groups that each will fulfill a partial work to proceed one step toward my target: turning a pure text log file to the source of a structured HTML file. One handy feature of the generated HTML will be the presence of “go back to TOC” label following each command line, which is done by inserting a “<<top>>” mark right after each command line (done by a vim substitution regex).]

vim script to selectively indent only command output
command! Log2AsciidocIndent call Log2AsciidocIndent()
function! Log2AsciidocIndent()
"indent between <<top>> and next command
    "skip the 1st comand
    ":execute "normal! gg" . '/^\(\S\S\+.\{0,40}\S#\s*[^:]\+\|slot \d\d\=->\S\+.*\|->.*\|\*-\*-\*-\*-\*-\)' . "\<cr>" ."j"
    "this doesn't work well, always report some errors
    ":g/<<top>>/+1,/^== \(\S\S\+.\{0,40}\S#\s*[^:^H^G]\+\|slot \d\d\=->\S\+\|->.\+\|\*-\*-\*-\*-\*-\)/-1 >

    "testing this...
    let maxline = line("$")
    "start from top line
    normal! gg
    while line(".") <= maxline
        "(from where we left) search <<top>>, mark the line right below it as x
        execute "normal! /top\<cr>"
        echom "match 1 found #" . line(".")
        normal! j0mx
        echom "mark x is #" . line("'x")
        "(from 1st mark found), look for cmd line, mark the line right above it as y
        "execute "normal!" . ' /^== \(\S\S\+.\{0,40}\S#\s*[^:]\+\|slot \d\d\=->\S\+.*\|->.*\|\*-\*-\*-\*-\*-\)' . "\<cr>"
        execute "normal!" . " /^== \<cr>"
        echom "match 2 found #" . line(".")
        normal! k0my
        echom "mark y is #" . line("'y")
        "fold the output capture
        execute "'x,'y>"
        "procede from the line after the command line
        normal! jj0
        "check current line#
        echom "new line to proceed after folding is " . line('.')
        "break if reach bottom
        if line(".") >= maxline
            echom "reaching end of file"
        if line("'x") == line("'y")
            echom "x,y marks stays the same,sth wrong or reaching end of file"
            normal! G0my
            execute "'x,'y>"
        echom "our position of this round is ".line(".")

with the above vimL code, a long text log file can be converted to a not-so-bad-looking web page, with a Table Of Content linking to each of the command executed.
[with my current VIM script(I may change/enhance it from time to time), I type following newly created vim command to get the job done:
each of the above “user command” do one different job in the processing flow. These can be further simplified into one VIM user command like: :Log2Asciidoc
But personally I prefer to disassemble it to different processing stage, so I can review the partial result just in case something went wrong. ]
original text log file: 2012-0619-0971.logconverted log file in HTML page: 2012-0619-0971.html

10. appendix

10.1. more other fancy VIM features

So far we only demonstrated only the surface,
(a very small part of) most popular features

there are MUCH MUCH MORE that VIM is really good at… There are a lot more great features very-well implemented in VIM, some of them are far beyond the ability as of an editor.

  • more popular/cool features (that the author pretty much enjoys and uses in a day-to-day base)

    • web/wiki pages/links developing: TOhtml, vimwiki, vimviki

    • diary/blogging(jekyll): asciidoc/markdown integration

    • selective printing(hardcopy & pdf convert)

    • gnu screen/tmux integretion

    • version control integration (permanent undo, fugitive plugin when interacting with git)

    • integration into/with other apps(mutt,w3m,firefox,etc)

    • document preparation system (integration of asciidoc, aafigure, markdown, etc)

    • taking notes, blogging(vimpress), GTD tool

    • knowledge/note tool (mybase? evernote?)

      • personal wiki : vimwiki

      • single file DB : Voom

  • inspired a lot of other project

    • pentadactyl

    • vimperator

10.2. motion commands

        hjkl,gk|a-up,gj|a-dn    #left down up right,up,down in long line(useful!)
            map j gj            #j means gj,for long lines under set nowrap
            map k gk
            imap <UP> <ESC>gki  #same for insert mode
            imap <DOWN> <ESC>gji
        gf                      #go open the file under cursor
        C-f,C-b,C-d,C-u         #page down/up, half page down/up
        C-Y,C-E                 #scroll down,up a line
        zh,zl,zH,zL             #scroll left,right a column,half screen
        z<CR>|zt,z.|zz,z-|zb    #"drag" curr line to top,center,bottom
        ze,zs                                        right|end,left|start
        H,M,L,g0,g^,gm,g$       #go top,mid,tail,left,left-non-blank,mid,right of curr screen
                                #keep column info change|unchange
            :set scrolloff=3    #add padding to margin when scrolling
            :set scrolljump=3   #scroll 3 lines when reach the margin of screen
            ;set sidescroll=3   #same, but scroll horizontally

        G,gg,25G|25gg|:25       #jump to end,begin of the file,show current location
                                #jump to line 25
        60%                     #go to 60% of the full text

        0|HOME,$,3$,^|_,+,-     #go to beginning,end of curr line,3 lines
                                #1st non-bl CH of curr,next,prev line
        ga                      #display the ascii num for curr CH
        g C-g                   #display curr poistion,or selected text stats
        9go,:goto 9             #go to #9 Ch in the file
        w/W,e/E,b/B,ge          #to head,end of curr w/W,head,end of prev w/W
            w  normal word
            W  space sperated
        2w,3e,^,0/HOME,$/END    #2w fwd,3w fwd,1st non-blank ch,start,eol
                                #cap is to ignore punctuation ch,so be preferred
        fx,Fx,tx,Tx, ; ,        #in a line find fwd,back TO CH 'x'
                                #go fwd,back to BEFORE x,
                                #repeat it,in reverse order

                                #use CR and backspace to navigate in help

10.3. different ways to go to insert-mode

    i,I,gI              #ins at curr,non-blank beg of line,beg of line
    10iaESC             #insert 10 CH "a"
    s,S                 #del curr ch,line and insert
    a,A,o,O             #APPEND more txt after curr ch/line,
                        #open a new line after,bef curr line

10.4. insert-mode commands

    ctrl-w, ctrl-u      :delete word (all) before the cursor
    c-t,c-d             #indent,de-indent
    s-left,s-right      #one word left, right

    ctrl-e, ctrl-y      :insert CHs below/above curr line

    ctrl-n, ctrl-p      :complete part of a keyword (not by dictionary)
        rely on "complete" option
        :help ins-completion for more

    ctrl-r {register}   :insert content of a reg (paste under ins mode)
                        :same for ex-mode
                '"'     the unnamed register, containing the text of
                        the last delete or yank
                '%'     the current file name
                '#'     the alternate file name
                '*'     the clipboard contents (X11: primary selection)
                '+'     the clipboard contents
                '/'     the last search pattern
                ':'     the last command-line
                '-'     the last small (less than a line) delete
                '.'     the last inserted text

    s-left|c-left       :one word back
    s-right|c-right     :one word forward

    c-a,c-@             repeat last inserted text,and then back normal

    C-X C-F             file names      (great!)
    C-X C-L             whole lines
    C-X C-D             macro definitions (also in included files)
    C-X C-I             current and included files
    C-X C-K             words from a dictionary
    C-X C-T             words from a thesaurus
    C-X C-]             tags
    C-X C-V             Vim command line
        C-P/N           prev/next
    C-X C-E/Y           scoll up/down
    C-X C-O             omni complete (for coding)

    c-v SOME-KEYS

    #sometimes useful and make text docs more readable
    c-k                 digraphs #type special chs(std ISO-646 ch)
      C-k,Co            #insert,Ctrl-k,Co,then you get: ©
      :digraphs         #list all digraphs
      :dig a: 9639      #define a 'map' , a: to ▧  (super!)

    c-o NORMAL-MODE-CMD #execute normal mode cmd from insert mode

10.5. copy/paste/change/replace/etc

    ce|cw,c$|C,S|cc     #CHANGE(cx) till eOw,eol,whole line
    ciw                 #replace whole word under cursor

    de,dw|dW,d3w|3dw,d$|D #DELETE(dx) fr curr till:eow,1word,3words,eol

    d0,dd,2dd,dG,d20G   #...beginOfline,1line,2lines,eOf,line#20
    x|dl,X|dh                   #...curr ch,prev ch

    C-w,C-u             #DEL under insert mode 1word back,to head the line

    yy|Y,5yy,yW,y$,y0,yG #COPY(yx) 1line,5lines,word,...

    p,P                 #PASTE whatever just deleted after,before cursor

    rx,3rx,3rENTER      #REPLACE(rx) a ch with x,3 x,1(not 3!!) enter

    #cut/cp/paste(across app,using visual mode)
    v SELECTTEXT "+y    #cp to the system clipboard using Xwin '+' reg.
    "+gP                #paste contents from clipboard(X-reg:+)

    #other select/cp/del methods
    :%y a               select all and copy to buffer a
    :1,$y               copy all
    :1,$d               delete all
    #using text object
    "+yap               #cp the current paragragh into clipboard
    d3ap                #delete 3 paragraghs from current line, good!

    #copy the output of : command to clipboard
    :redir @+           #type this before the vim command
    :nmap <buffer>      #type the vim command,e.g. print the mapping
    :redir END          #type this after the vim command

10.6. visual-mode commands

        v,S-v|V,C-v             #VISUAL:normal,line,block
            o,O                 #under normal&line,block v-mode to toggle cursor position
            $                   #all CHs after curr cursor will be marked, good!
            I,c,C               #insert,change,change to eol,to every line in block,
                                but except shorter lines(great!)
            A                   #insert to the end of everyline in block , including shorter lines
            $A                  #select and append to end of everyline (diff with A, good!)

        S-v d,y,c|s|R|S = v D,Y,C
                                #delete,copy,delete&go-insert some lines
        S-v J,gJ                #joining selected lines&seperate w/ blank,w/o blank
        C-v I,c/C,A             #ins,change(del&start ins),append txts in block mode
                                #changes will be cp to all lines:
            c                   #del blocks(leave unslected)&start insert
                                #  inserted txt be copied to all lines in block
            C                   #del from the left edge of block to eol&start...
            A                   #...
            rCH                 #replace all block with ch
        gv                      #select same visual again

10.7. become a “vimer”

VIM looks hard for a beginner, especially for those who always prefer GUI based editors that are easily available around. The biggest headache is that there are a lot of "command" to remember before you can even proceed with your editing work. However, the power is also generated from the same and, Once you get use to it, you will wonder how you ever got along without it!

10.8. vim , unix philosophy, learning curve, etc

  • UNIX philosophy

    Write programs that do one thing and do it well.
    Write programs to work together.
    Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.
    Doug McIlroy
    — inventor of Unix pipes
  • editor learning curve
    [the “curve” itself,however,is quite confusing and controversial]

  • editor war/jokes
    [mostly between vi vs. emacs users]

10.9. (some) resource lists

  • google: tons of vim document, tips, articles, discussions, …

  • vim help system.Unbelievable good.

    • :help user-manual

    • :help ANYTHING

    • faq

  • An application to help learning vim: vimtutor

    The Vimtutor is useful for people that want to learn their first Vim commands.
    — man vimtutor
  • A game to help learning vim

  • vimL:

  • "vim user group"

10.10. download this presentation

  • this presentation is available in following format:
    [again, these are all done by from within vim , with only a couple of commands calling external apps(but executed from within vim)]

  • other available formats:

Note this page and every other version of this same document, are done in vim.
